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MS 496 19

Reference code

MS 496 19


Stone family archive: Incoming correspondence and miscellaneous papers





Extent & medium

6 boxes and 1 volume

Content description

Around 300 letters written to different members of the family, including Edward Daniel Stone, Edward Wellington Stone, Ruth Boswell Stone, Christopher Stone from a variety of friends and colleagues. There are 7 ALS from C. J. Abraham, 2 ALS and 4 TLS from Saul A. Barnett, 24 ALS and 2 TLS from A. C. Benson, 7 ALS from Robert Bridges, 23 ALS to Edward Daniel Stone from A. D. Coleridge, 9 ALS from Florence Coleridge, and 44 ALS from Mary Coleridge, 7 letters from George Grove to Lucy Hester Stone, 1 ALS to Edward Daniel Stone from Thomas Hardy about a novel written by Christopher Stone, 6 ALS from Miranda Hill, 49 ALS from Octavia Hill, 80 ALS from H. E. Luxmoore from Edward Daniel Stone and other Stones, 7 ALS from Hugh Macnaghten, 16 ALS from Arthur J. Munby, 5 ALS from James Robertson, 5 TLS from J. St Loe Strachey, 15 ALS from Helen Wolff. Other correspondents include Arthur Ainger, Alfred Austin, H. Babington-Smith, H. C. Beeching, G. C. Bell, Hubert Brinton, Oscar Browning, R. W. Chapman, W. F. Cobb, Felix T. Cobbold, George Curzon, Curzon of Kedleston, H. Buxton Forman, W.A. Garrard, Oliver St. John Gogarty, Richard Gompertz, Edith Harwood, Auberon Herbert, Ford Madox Hueffer, M. R. James, C. Kegan Paul, W. Austen Leigh, James Russell Lowell, C. Lowry, Percy Lubbock, A. Lyttleton, E. Lyttleton, R. H. Lyttleton, Desmond MacCarthy, Eric Maclagan, F. W. Maitland, Harry Moody, J. E. Nixon, T. E. Page, Eric Parker, Hubert H. Parry, A. B. Ramsay, Lord Rosebery, W. H. D. Rouse, M. E. Sadler, H. S. Salt, Julian Sturgis, A. C. Swinburne, William Temple, Donald Francis Tovey, E. L. Vaughan, Edmond Warre, Blanche Warre Cornish and F. Warre Cornish. Accompanied by 3 boxes of miscellaneous correspondence, and a volume by an unidentified Stone family member.

Associated material

56 autograph letters from Logan Pearsall Smith to Christopher Stone held separately as ECL MS 769.
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