MS 972 03 15
Reference code
MS 972 03 15
Thackeray - Ritchie family papers (Murray archive): A collection of cuttings and thoughts compiled by Hester (Ritchie) Fuller
Extent & medium
1 item
Content description
A collection of cuttings and thoughts compiled by Hester (Ritchie) Fuller contained in two lined-paper notebooks without covers, containing various autograph quotes or notes and newspaper cuttings pasted-in, about various authors, poets, and artists including Browning, Tennyson, George Eliot, and John Singer Sergeant
Physical characteristics
The notebooks have no covers and the binding cords are coming loose
Location of this record in the archive hierarchy
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Number 15 of 18 at this Level
- Next: Thackeray - Ritchie family papers (Murray archive): Photographs and pictures belonging to Hester (Ritchie) Fuller, MS 972 03 16, (1789-c.1880)
- Previous: Thackeray - Ritchie family papers (Murray archive): Letters to Hester (Ritchie) Fuller regarding the copyright for William Makepeace Thackeray’s works, MS 972 03 14, (Nov 1932- Jul 1935)
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