MS 972 03 16
Reference code
MS 972 03 16
Thackeray - Ritchie family papers (Murray archive): Photographs and pictures belonging to Hester (Ritchie) Fuller
Extent & medium
1 file
Content description
Photographs and pictures belonging to Hester (Ritchie) Fuller, including a photograph of Thomas Carlyle; an engraving of Hermits Hole by Charles Tomkins (1796) and 'View of Shere from King’s Fields, June 1879’ by ‘H.C.’
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Number 16 of 18 at this Level
- Next: Thackeray - Ritchie family papers (Murray archive): Autograph letter from Margaret Duckworth to Hester (Ritchie) Fuller, MS 972 03 17, (12 Feb 1945)
- Previous: Thackeray - Ritchie family papers (Murray archive): A collection of cuttings and thoughts compiled by Hester (Ritchie) Fuller, MS 972 03 15, (n.d.)
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