ECR 26 186
ECR 26 186
Cottisford and Fringford, Oxfordshire: Letter concerning land dispute
16 March 1607
Richard Wharton, 16 March 1606/7, to his very loveing freind Mr Thomas Allen, fellow of Eaton Colledge. "I understand how Flexney, who here useth mee with all kindeness, notwithstanding sendeth close messages of menaces unto yow. Tuta frequensque licet sit via, crimen habet. Yow are in no daunger, more then that the b. yf he please may summone to come once a quarter, which I assure my self that of him self he never intendeth or once imagineth. Only Flexney would be thought to deserve thankes for his patience, which debdt I will willingly take upon mee, as I ow him yett for sendeing yow words that the tenthes were forgotten, when him self was present att the payment. But I troubled yow too much with him". On Mrs Arden's death her land is likely to be sold, and it would be a bargain for the College. Touching the controversy between "them" and the College tenant, Brock, he encloses some information written by the attorney for the College in the hundred court.