ECR 46 249
ECR 46 249
Bledlow, Buckinghamshire: Memorandum of surrender
16 February 1846
2 folios
Memorandum of surrender by John Sale, of Aylesbury, cabinet maker, by the hands of William Fryday and Richard West, for £27, of a messuage late in the occupation of Thomas Taylor, to which Sale was admitted on 6 December 1845, now used as messuages in the occupations of George Pratt and Thomas Gowan, to the use of William Brooks, baker.
Signatures of Sale, Fryday, West, and William Pulley (witness), clerk to Charles Harman, solicitor, Wycombe, and again of Fryday and West, who presented the same at a court on 18 November 1847.
Signatures of Sale, Fryday, West, and William Pulley (witness), clerk to Charles Harman, solicitor, Wycombe, and again of Fryday and West, who presented the same at a court on 18 November 1847.