COLL B 05 17 14 - 56
Reference code
COLL B 05 17 14 - 56
Papers on individual houses
1863 - 1952
Content description
Each individually numbered
Location of this record in the archive hierarchy
Click the hyperlinked text below for further details.
(Click here to scroll to the current record within the hierarchy)
- College records, COLL, (1440 - present)
- Royal Patents, ECR 39, (1440 - 1686)
- Papal Bulls, ECR 05, (1441 - 1498)
- Will of Henry V, ECR 59, (10 June 1421)
- Central governing records, ECR 60, (1440 - 2019)
- Accounts and accounting records, COLL ACC, (1440 -)
- Bursar, COLL B, (1440 - 2011)
- Benefactions, gifts and obits, COLL BEN, (1730 - 1984)
- Buildings, COLL BU, (1441 - 1983)
- Buildings Bursar, COLL BB, (c.1967 - 2000)
- Collections, COLL C, (1800 -)
- Companies, COLL CO, (1960 -)
- Choir School, COLL CS, (1922 - 1968)
- Records of College officers and departments, COLL D, (1800 - present)
- Estates, COLL EST, (1440s - present)
- ECR Estate Records, ECR 01 - 65, (12th century - 19th century)
- Fellows' papers, COLL FELL, (c.1648 - 1952)
- Finance, COLL F, (1800 -)
- College Livings, COLL LIV, (1706 - 1963)
- Registrar, COLL REG, (1707 - 1896)
- School Bursar, COLL SB, (1998 - 2012)
- Estates Manager, COLL EM, (1947 - 2004)
- Junior Bursar, COLL JB, (1800 - 1970)
- Provosts' papers, COLL P, (1528 - present)
- Provost and Fellows papers, COLL PF, (1986 - 2013)
- Vice-Provosts' papers, COLL VP, (1750 -)
- Letters, GB/1472/LTR, (1794-1963)
- Legal and title, COLL LT, (1744-1999)
Number 14 of 14 at this Level
- Next: No next sibling at this level
- Previous: New Housemasters' Scheme, COLL B 05 17 13, (1946 - 1947)
Beneath this record in the archive hierarchy
- Papers on Baldwin's End, COLL B 05 17 14, (1899 - 1927)
- Papers on Baldwin's Bec, COLL B 05 17 15, (1909 - 1931)
- Papers on Baldwin's Shore, COLL B 05 17 16, (1890 - 1932)
- Papers on Bekynton, COLL B 05 17 17, (1908)
- Papers on Corner House, COLL B 05 17 18, (1905 - 1931)
- Papers on Gullivers and Holding House, COLL B 05 17 19, (1895 - 1931)
- Papers on Jourdelays, COLL B 05 17 20, (1863 - 1932)
- Papers on St Christopher, COLL B 05 17 21, (1909 - 1930)
- Papers on Old Christopher, Pop, COLL B 05 17 22, (1902 - 1930)
- Papers on Hodgson House, COLL B 05 17 23, (1904 - 1932)
- Papers on Carter House, COLL B 05 17 24, (1900 - 1931)
- Papers on Evans's, COLL B 05 17 25, (1906 - 1931)
- Papers on South Lawn, COLL B 05 17 26, (1902 - 1920)
- Papers on Keate House, COLL B 05 17 27, (1901 - 1930)
- Papers on Ballards, COLL B 05 17 28, (1902 - 1931)
- Papers on Coleridge House, COLL B 05 17 29, (1894 - 1930)
- Papers on Hawtrey House, COLL B 05 17 30, (1904 - 1929)
- Papers on Durnford House, COLL B 05 17 31, (1904 - 1952)
- Papers on School Hall site (Tatham's House), COLL B 05 17 32, (1902)
- Papers on Manor House, COLL B 05 17 33, (1905 - 1932)
- Papers on Godolphin House, COLL B 05 17 34, (1899 - 1930)
- Papers on Holland House, COLL B 05 17 35, (1900 - 1930)
- Papers on Penn House, COLL B 05 17 36, (1911 - 1926)
- Papers on Warre House, COLL B 05 17 37, (1905 - 1929)
- Papers on Angelo's, COLL B 05 17 38, (1903 - 1931)
- Papers on Mr Hua's house, COLL B 05 17 39, (1903)
- Papers on Hop Garden, COLL B 05 17 40, (1901 - 1927)
- Papers on Timbralls, COLL B 05 17 41, (1902 - 1925)
- Papers on Weston's, COLL B 05 17 42, (1902 - 1930)
- Papers on Wall House, COLL B 05 17 43, (1919 - 1930)
- Papers on 2 Weston's Yard, COLL B 05 17 44, (1918 - 1931)
- Papers on Savile House, COLL B 05 17 45, (1893 - 1847)
- Papers on Westbury, COLL B 05 17 46, (1912 - 1930)
- Papers on Cotton Hall House, COLL B 05 17 47, (1907 - 1947)
- Papers on Briary Cottages, COLL B 05 17 48, (1919 - 1928)
- Papers on Burnham Thorpe, COLL B 05 17 49, (1905 - 1930)
- Papers on Colenorton, COLL B 05 17 50, (1920 - 1932)
- Papers on Wotton House, COLL B 05 17 51, (1904 - 1930)
- Papers on Walpole House, COLL B 05 17 52, (1903 - 1932)
- Papers on Black Potts, COLL B 05 17 53, (1917 - 1935)
- Papers on Common Lane, COLL B 05 17 54, (1911 - 1932)
- Papers on Mustians, COLL B 05 17 55, (1920)
- Papers on 1, 2, 3 Willowbrook, COLL B 05 17 56, (1920 - 1931)