COLL P 10 31
Reference code
COLL P 10 31
Provost Caccia: Miscellaneous correspondence
1965 - 1968
Extent & medium
1 item
Content description
/1 agenda for Appeal committee meeting (Lord Upjohn); /2 numbers in the school; /3 review of grants, augmentations and subscriptions, including chancel liabilities; /4 explananation of Eton Calendar; /5 additional School Regulations (Head Master); /6 Nave altar, position of Provost as Ordinary of College Chapel, /7 Farrer Theatre; /9 Appointment of Registrar and School Clerk; /9 Lord Upjohn; /10 services in College Chapel (Bishop of Coventry); /11 committee on entry; /12 Martin Cooper : Public Schools Without a Purpose in The Times; /13 Declaration of Human Rights and the Public Schools (John Anderson); /14 decoration of Blue Corridor (Cloister Gallery) and Election Hall; /15 building programme; /16 Marten Library; /17 Farrer Theatre (N. Biggs); /18 nave altar and services in general (Rev. Ralph Sadleir); /19 Etoniana loss (Richard Martineau); /20 building programme; /21 restoration of Dr. Keate's hat (Karen Finch); /22 GLC plaques for Housman (agreed) and William Johnson Cory (refused); /23 bibliographical training for Patrick Strong; /24 purchases for College Library recommended by Robert Birley (Kelsall Prescot, Jake Carter); /25 music department matters (Precentor); /26 visit by Pilkington and by Admiral Thach (US Navy); /27 Curriculum Committee's report on A-levels; /28 use of Undercroft as overflow chapel (Rev. Ralph Sadleir); /29 feasibility of a five day week with home weekends and importance of chapel (The Earl of Harrowby); /30 filming for The Joker (Tim Pitt Miller); /31 training for Patrick Strong (Jake Carter); /32 future education of ex-choristers (Hugh McDonald); /33 Anthony Schuster Trust (Leonard Schuster); /34 Licence for Westbury building works; /35 chapel services; /36 Georgian Group and rebuilding of Hodgson House (Lord Holford, Marquess of Salisbury); /37 Provost's Lodge furniture; /38 Trust and Prize funds, and exhibitions,including copy of Newcastle Scholarship Trust Deed and Strafford Shakespeare Medal regulations; /39 entry - hypotheses of Entry Sub-Committee of Curriculum Committee; /40 J. M. Waldram's report on College Chapel lighting; /41 plans for site of Old Bridge House Hotel (Windsor & Eton Society); /42 future of the Old Christopher (Earl of Crawford & Balcarres); /43 TV facilities for new theatre (S. B. Marsh); /44 Westbury; /45 Vertical boys' house; /46 building programme; /47 Hodgson House; /48 Sunday services (Rev. Ralph Sadleir); /49 Investment Panel; /50 appointment of Patrick Strong as Keeper of College Collections; /51 Provost of King's; /52 purchases for College Library (Jake Carter); /53 proposed `Teach-in' on computers (R. Baird); /54 sales from College Library (Jake Carter); /55 form of service for Founder's Day at King's ; Psalm 144 and the Wall Game (Rev. Ralph Sdaleir); /56 organs; /57 improvements in College (Peter Pilkington); /58 Chronicle article by master (Head Master, R. Forman); /59 entry (Lord Upjohn); /60 short-term investment; /61 possibility of making Major Abbey an honorary Old Etonian (R. M. A. Bourne); /62 label for books purchased by bequest of Mr. Austin Young Hoy (Dr. K. Prescot); /63 reminder of Lord Penrhyn's 100th birthday (Sir Shane Leslie); /64 Eton School Stores and relations between College's lawyers and legal Fellow (Lord Upjohn to J. F. Burrell); /65 Piddlehinton Rectory (Bishop of Salisbury); /66 Brewhouse gallery (Geoffrey Agnew); /67 College Chapel lighting (Rev. Ralph Sadleir); /68 additional teaching for Choir School; /69 damage to memorial to his son (General Sir James Marshall-Cornwall); /70 architect for new theatre (Julian Lambart, Sir Edward Bridges); /71 building programme; /72 purchase of commercial properties; /73 choristers meals; /74 building plans (Lord Holford); /75 food costs at different schools; /75 attitude of Etonians to religion; /77 number of masters
Location of this record in the archive hierarchy
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(Click here to scroll to the current record within the hierarchy)
- College records, COLL, (1440 - present)
- Royal Patents, ECR 39, (1440 - 1686)
- Papal Bulls, ECR 05, (1441 - 1498)
- Will of Henry V, ECR 59, (10 June 1421)
- Central governing records, ECR 60, (1440 - 2019)
- Accounts and accounting records, COLL ACC, (1440 -)
- Bursar, COLL B, (1440 - 2011)
- Benefactions, gifts and obits, COLL BEN, (1730 - 1984)
- Buildings, COLL BU, (1441 - 1983)
- Buildings Bursar, COLL BB, (c.1967 - 2000)
- Collections, COLL C, (1800 -)
- Companies, COLL CO, (1960 -)
- Choir School, COLL CS, (1922 - 1968)
- Records of College officers and departments, COLL D, (1800 - present)
- Estates, COLL EST, (1440s - present)
- ECR Estate Records, ECR 01 - 65, (12th century - 19th century)
- Fellows' papers, COLL FELL, (c.1648 - 1952)
- Finance, COLL F, (1800 -)
- College Livings, COLL LIV, (1706 - 1963)
- Registrar, COLL REG, (1707 - 1896)
- School Bursar, COLL SB, (1998 - 2012)
- Estates Manager, COLL EM, (1947 - 2004)
- Junior Bursar, COLL JB, (1800 - 1970)
- Provosts' papers, COLL P, (1528 - present)
- Provost and Fellows papers, COLL PF, (1986 - 2013)
- Vice-Provosts' papers, COLL VP, (1750 -)
- Letters, GB/1472/LTR, (1794-1963)
- Legal and title, COLL LT, (1744-1999)
Number 31 of 78 at this Level
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