ECR 13 786
Reference code
ECR 13 786
Windsor, Berkshire: Quitclaim of land
6 September 1449
Content description
Quitclaim by John Benet, of New Windsor, co. Berks, John Westende, clerk and John Huchon, of Windsor, to Edmund Knyght, scrivayn, and Margaret, his wife, of Windsor, of all their right in all the lands, tenements etc in Undirore within franchise of the abbot of Redyng which they lately had of the gift of the said Edmund and Margaret.
Witnesses: Thomas Wafrer, Thomas Stafford, Thomas Rokley, of Windsor, and others. Given at Undiroore 6 September 28 Henry VI.
Three seals.
Witnesses: Thomas Wafrer, Thomas Stafford, Thomas Rokley, of Windsor, and others. Given at Undiroore 6 September 28 Henry VI.
Three seals.
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