ECR 13 789
Reference code
ECR 13 789
Windsor, Berkshire: Quitclaim of land
2 October 1449
Content description
Quitclaim by John Avelyn, of New Windsor, to Robert Bolley, esquire, of all his right in 6 acres of land lying towards Dachetfery which were late of John Feyrefeld, of Windsor, and 7 acres of land lying within the fee of the abbot of Redyng in Underore and extending upon Powkenlane which were late of John Nanspity alias Cornysh, of Windsor, and one shop with a room built over it lying towards the castle gate, and a tenement lying next Felleys, in the fee of the abbot of Redyng, sometime Petresfeld, and an acre of meadow called Petrefeldisacre lying in Windsor.
Witnesses: William Towe, then mayor of the town of New Windsor, Roger Sherman and John Otwey, bailiffs, Richard Burne, Thomas Waferere and many others.
Given at Windsor 2 October 28 Henry VI.
Witnesses: William Towe, then mayor of the town of New Windsor, Roger Sherman and John Otwey, bailiffs, Richard Burne, Thomas Waferere and many others.
Given at Windsor 2 October 28 Henry VI.
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