ECR 41 067
Reference code
ECR 41 067
Cookham, Bray and Maidenhead, Berkshire: Quitclaim of land
10 October 1335
Content description
Quitclaim by John, son and heir of William de Alkesulle, to John le Muleward, of Braye, of all his right in an acre in a cultura called Langyndene between land of William le Fuour on the east and land formerly of Roger le Freynshe on the west, in Cokham.
Witnesses: John de Mereworthe, William le Esquyer, Richard de Grenstede, William le Hosebonde, Andrew de Odeneye, clerk.
Doubled tag for seal, which is lost.
Witnesses: John de Mereworthe, William le Esquyer, Richard de Grenstede, William le Hosebonde, Andrew de Odeneye, clerk.
Doubled tag for seal, which is lost.
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