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ECR 56 050

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ECR 56 050


Lyminster, Sussex: Quitclaim of land




20 November 1257

Content description

Quitclaim by Geoffrey Fresteng to the chapel of St Giles of Codelawe and Richard de gates, rector of the same, in frankalmoign of all the lands his ancestors have conveyed thereto. The lands are described. The rector grants in return that the chaplain there shall celebrate each month a mass with Placebo and Dirige and Classico, (a peel of bells) for the souls of his ancestors and descendants, and of himself and his wife and children and an anniversary for the same yearly on the morrow of St Giles.
Three seals, green wax, on doubled tags.
(1) Only faint traces of seal remain.
(2) Pointed oval, 40 x 33 (originally about 60 x 35). The bishop, robed, staff in left hand, right had raised in blessing. The bottom part and the legend missing. At about the level of the knees, on one side of the bishop JOH' and on the other 11° . Counterseal, pointed oval, 36 (originally about 50) x 28mm. Within a gothic canopy, Christ, half length, with a nimbus, his right hand raised holding an object. Beneath, within an ogee arch, the upper part of the praying figure of the bishop.
[B.M. Cat of seals vol. no. 1460]
(3) Pointed oval, 45 x 33 (originally about 50 x 36)mm. Seal of the dean and chapter of Chichester. Christ enthroned, between Alpha and Omega, the right hand raised in blessing.
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