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ECR 60 06 04 01

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ECR 60 06 04 01


Provost and Fellows: Forest Court Precedents book




15th century

Extent & medium

1 volume; i & 18 & i ff

Content description

Leaves must be missing between ff. 10 and 11 where there is a break in sense and a change from Latin to English. The first part is a recital of charters of rights and liberties within royal forests, the second a formulary of writs and warrants. The volume was noted in Drawer 30 by Thomas Martin. f. 1 Claim of the Dean and Chapter of Salisbury Cathedral to tithes within the Forest of Windsor f. 1 (v) Claim of the Abbot of Notley to rights of common, liberties etc. in the forest of Bernewode, co. Bucks., and five closes within the forest, 4 Henry VII (1488/9) f. 3 Form of recognisance: two mancupators for Henry Langley, 9 August 1488; start of similar bond for Thomas Abbot of Chertsey; claim of the Provost and College; writ of Richard Duke of York confirming the rights and immunities granted to the College by letters patent of 25 February 1445 and 11 November 1452 f. 5 (v) Pleas of the Forest of Clarendon alias Paunsett, co. Dorset, 21 August 1485; claim of Sir Thomas Milborne to free warren and fishery f. 6 Exemplification of claim by the prebendary of Hurstbourne Tarrant in Salisbury Cathedral of rights in the Forest of Andover descended from the Abbess of Tarrant, 9 August 1477 f. 7 Exemplification of the confirmation of William Okeden as keeper for life of the bailiffry of Fritham in the New Forest, 1452/3 f. 8 Pleas; claim of the Abbot of Abingdon within the Forest of Windsor f. 9 Notes on processes f. 11 Articles of interrogation (in English) on the administration of forest law f. 13 Specimens of presentations and warrants f. 18(v) Incomplete Charter of the Forest of Henry III, 1217; English preamble; four clauses begun in Latin then translated

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