Reference code
Head Masters' papers
18th century - 21st century
Extent & medium
c.160 files
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Number 4 of 12 at this Level
Beneath this record in the archive hierarchy
- Head Master: Entrance books, SCH HM 01, (1792 - 2011)
- Head Master: Copy entrance books, SCH HM 01 A, (1792 - 1851)
- Head Master: Leaving books, SCH HM 02, (1862 - 1990)
- Head Master: Bill books, SCH HM 03, (1961 - 2012)
- Head Master: Commended for good effort book, SCH HM 04, (1966 - 1979)
- Head Master: Visitors' books, SCH HM 05, (1906 - 1994)
- Head Master: Masters' appointments, SCH HM 06, (1861 - 2018)
- Head Master: Masters Left, SCH HM 07, (1940 - 2015)
- Head Master: Masters Left, Teaching Fellowships, SCH HM 07 A, (1990 - 2005)
- Head Master: Boys Left, SCH HM 08, (1949 - 2010)
- Head Master: Leavers' Letters, SCH HM 09, (1964 - 2023)
- Head Master: Speeches, SCH HM 10, (1851 - 2001)
- Head Master: Non-teaching staff, SCH HM 11, (1977 - 2001)
- Head Master: Housemasters' Reports, SCH HM 12, (2000 -)
- Head Master: Newsletter to parents, SCH HM 13, (2000 -)
- Head Master: School rules relating to tradesmen, SCH HM 14, (1926 - 1966)
- Head Master: UCAS references, SCH HM 15, (2020 - 2022)
- Papers of Edward Barnard, Head Master 1754 - 1765, SCH HM EdB, (18th century)
- Papers of John Foster, Head Master 1765 - 1773, SCH HM JF, (1764)
- Papers of Jonathan Davies, Head Master 1773 - 1792, SCH HM JD, (18th century)
- Papers of George Heath, Head Master 1792 - 1801, SCH HM GH, ([18th century])
- Papers of Joseph Goodall, Head Master 1802 - 1809, SCH HM JG, (19th century)
- Papers of John Keate, Head Master 1809 - 1834, SCH HM JK, (1792 - 1834)
- Papers of Edward Craven Hawtrey, Head Master 1834 - 1853, SCH HM ECH, (19th century)
- Papers of Charles Old Goodford, Head Master 1853 -1862, SCH HM COG, (19th century)
- Papers of Edward Balston, Head Master 1862 - 1867, SCH HM EB, (1866)
- Papers of James John Hornby, Head Master 1868 - 1884, SCH HM JJH, (19th century)
- Papers of Edmond Warre, Head Master 1884 - 1905, SCH HM EW, (19th century)
- Papers of Edward Lyttelton, Head Master 1905 - 1916, SCH HM EL, (1906 - 1914)
- Papers of Cyril Argentine Alington, Head Master 1916 - 1933, SCH HM CAA, (1920 - 1950)
- Papers of Claude Aurelius Elliott, Head Master 1933 - 1949, SCH HM CAE, (20th century)
- Papers of Robert Birley, Head Master 1949 - 1964, SCH HM RB, (1950 - 1964)
- Papers of Anthony Chenevix-Trench, Head Master 1964 - 1970, SCH HM AC-T, (1964 - 1971)
- Papers of Michael McCrum, Head Master 1970 - 1980, SCH HM MM, (1958 - 2005)
- Papers of Eric Anderson, Head Master 1980 - 1994, SCH HM WEKA, (1958 - 1994)
- Papers of John Lewis, Head Master 1994 - 2002, SCH HM JEL, (1994 - 2002)
- Papers of Anthony Richard Morell Little, Head Master 2002 - 2015, SCH HM ARML, (1980 - 2010)
- Papers of Simon Henderson, Head Master 2015 -, SCH HM SH, (2015 -)