ECR 12 508
ECR 12 508
Windsor, Berkshire: Grant of rent
23 June 1346
Grant by John Est, of New Windsor, to Robert teste, of the same, and Matilda, his wife, of 9d yearly quite rent, from the following tenants, to wit, from Isabel la Scy for ½ acre of land in the field of Underore lying at Astworthe between the land of Geoffrey Bullock on both sides 2½d at Michaelmas, from William Wengham for ½ acre of land in the same field lying at Outhlesham between grantor's land and the land of William le Tylere 2½ at Michaelmas, and from William Lyhtfot for a curtilage in Underore between grantor's land and the land of Richard Frankeleyn 4d at Michaelmas.
Witnesses: Robert Mathew, William Lyhtfot, John Godefray, Henry Randulf, John le Weyte, Richard de Bedefore, Nicholas Caperon and others.
Given at New Windsor in Underore Friday in the vigil of the Nativity of St John the Baptist 20 Edward III.
Witnesses: Robert Mathew, William Lyhtfot, John Godefray, Henry Randulf, John le Weyte, Richard de Bedefore, Nicholas Caperon and others.
Given at New Windsor in Underore Friday in the vigil of the Nativity of St John the Baptist 20 Edward III.