ECR 49 314 15
Reference code
ECR 49 314 15
Hellouin, France: Lease
2 January 1371
Content description
1. William of St Vedast, Prior of Okeburn and procurator general of the Abbot and convent of Bec Hellouin.
2. William Chike of Wareham.
Manor of Povington with the rents of the priory of Wareham for a mill called Northmill with land services, pleas and prequisites of the court held by the steward of the Prior of Okeburn and all other appurtenances except the portion of Up Wimborne.
9 Years from next Michaelmas.
24 marks yearly to be paid at Okeburn at Michaelmas and Easter in equal portions.
Also leaves 24 acres of fallow land and other property (inventory given).
The lessee to keep all in good repair and give a bond of £60 Wednesday of the feast of the Circumcision, 44 Edward III.
Seal on tag.
1. William of St Vedast, Prior of Okeburn and procurator general of the Abbot and convent of Bec Hellouin.
2. William Chike of Wareham.
Manor of Povington with the rents of the priory of Wareham for a mill called Northmill with land services, pleas and prequisites of the court held by the steward of the Prior of Okeburn and all other appurtenances except the portion of Up Wimborne.
9 Years from next Michaelmas.
24 marks yearly to be paid at Okeburn at Michaelmas and Easter in equal portions.
Also leaves 24 acres of fallow land and other property (inventory given).
The lessee to keep all in good repair and give a bond of £60 Wednesday of the feast of the Circumcision, 44 Edward III.
Seal on tag.
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