ECR 60 12 04 01
Reference code
ECR 60 12 04 01
Estates administration: Chalcots lease rolls
1836 - c.1987
Content description
These rolls are arranged by lease number, and the first two volumes each contain a plan of the estate showing which plots relate to which lease. Each double page spread shows details of the original lease, such as lessee, address, term and rent, and assignments or other disposal. The leases were generally for 99 years, so assignments may be dated as late as the 1980s. (Only the start date of the volume is given here). In addition a ground plan of the site and an elevation are included.
The second and part of the third volume duplicate the first but the information they contain on assignments is much fuller and continues into the 20th century. It is not clear why the first volume fell out of use; /2 onwards were used in the Estates Office until the sale of the estate and it may be that /1 was meant to be a duplicate but it was found unnecessary to maintain it so it was just left in the strong room. The final volume contains leases made in the 1960s after redevelopment of parts of the estate.
Location of this record in the archive hierarchy
Click the hyperlinked text below for further details.
(Click here to scroll to the current record within the hierarchy)
- College records, COLL, (1440 - present)
- Royal Patents, ECR 39, (1440 - 1686)
- Papal Bulls, ECR 05, (1441 - 1498)
- Will of Henry V, ECR 59, (10 June 1421)
- Central governing records, ECR 60, (1440 - 2019)
- Accounts and accounting records, COLL ACC, (1440 -)
- Bursar, COLL B, (1440 - 2011)
- Benefactions, gifts and obits, COLL BEN, (1730 - 1984)
- Buildings, COLL BU, (1441 - 1983)
- Buildings Bursar, COLL BB, (c.1967 - 2000)
- Collections, COLL C, (1800 -)
- Companies, COLL CO, (1960 -)
- Choir School, COLL CS, (1922 - 1968)
- Records of College officers and departments, COLL D, (1800 - present)
- Estates, COLL EST, (1440s - present)
- ECR Estate Records, ECR 01 - 65, (12th century - 19th century)
- Fellows' papers, COLL FELL, (c.1648 - 1952)
- Finance, COLL F, (1800 -)
- College Livings, COLL LIV, (1706 - 1963)
- Registrar, COLL REG, (1707 - 1896)
- School Bursar, COLL SB, (1998 - 2012)
- Estates Manager, COLL EM, (1947 - 2004)
- Junior Bursar, COLL JB, (1800 - 1970)
- Provosts' papers, COLL P, (1528 - present)
- Provost and Fellows papers, COLL PF, (1986 - 2013)
- Vice-Provosts' papers, COLL VP, (1750 -)
- Letters, GB/1472/LTR, (1794-1963)
- Legal and title, COLL LT, (1744-1999)
Number 1 of 4 at this Level
- Next: Estates administration: Chalcots lease books, ECR 60 12 04 02, (1859 - 1897)
- Previous: No previous sibling at this level
Beneath this record in the archive hierarchy
- Estates administration: "Chalcots Estate Leases No. 1", ECR 60 12 04 01 01, (March 1836 - September 1860)
- "Eton College I. Plan Book", ECR 60 12 04 01 02, (1836 - c.1970)
- Chalcots leases 164-326, ECR 60 12 04 01 03, (1859)
- Chalcots leases 327-495, ECR 60 12 04 01 04, (1868)
- Chalcots leases 496-663, ECR 60 12 04 01 05, (1874)
- Chalcots leases 664-833, ECR 60 12 04 01 06, (1880)
- Chalcots leases 834-975, ECR 60 12 04 01 07, (1887)
- Chalcots leases CR1-CR210, 211-336, ECR 60 12 04 01 08, (1967)