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ECR 60 12 04 01

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ECR 60 12 04 01


Estates administration: Chalcots lease rolls




1836 - c.1987

Content description

These rolls are arranged by lease number, and the first two volumes each contain a plan of the estate showing which plots relate to which lease. Each double page spread shows details of the original lease, such as lessee, address, term and rent, and assignments or other disposal. The leases were generally for 99 years, so assignments may be dated as late as the 1980s. (Only the start date of the volume is given here). In addition a ground plan of the site and an elevation are included. The second and part of the third volume duplicate the first but the information they contain on assignments is much fuller and continues into the 20th century. It is not clear why the first volume fell out of use; /2 onwards were used in the Estates Office until the sale of the estate and it may be that /1 was meant to be a duplicate but it was found unnecessary to maintain it so it was just left in the strong room. The final volume contains leases made in the 1960s after redevelopment of parts of the estate.

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