ECR 13 754
ECR 13 754
Windsor, Berkshire: Grant of tenement
5 June 1430
Grant by Margaret Caperon, daughter of Richard Caperon, junior, of New Windsor, co. Berks, to Edmund Knight Skryvayn of a tenement lying in the franchise of Undirore with 3 acres of land consisting of 1½ acres (dimidia acra et dimidia) of arable land and 1½ acres of pasture lying in the said franchise; which the said Edmund now holds and the said Richard gave to the grantor on her marriage with the said Edmund.
Witnesses: Walter Paules, John Benet, William Spraket, John Spraket, senior, John Spraket, junior, and many others.
Given at Windsor 5 June 8 Henry VI.
Witnesses: Walter Paules, John Benet, William Spraket, John Spraket, senior, John Spraket, junior, and many others.
Given at Windsor 5 June 8 Henry VI.