ECR 16 V 005
Reference code
ECR 16 V 005
Vintry, London: Indenture of lease of Copt Hall
20 November 1581
Content description
Indenture of lease, by the Provost and College, to Richard Woar, of London, dyer, of that capital mansion lately in the holding of mystres Nutbrowne, widow, called Copped halle [Copt Hall] in the Crane of the Vintry (within the parish of St Martin in the Vintry) with all houses and cellars thereto adjoining and lately in her holding; and all houses and tenements next adjoining lately in the holding of John Anrolde, carpenter; and also one tenement there lately new builded and lately in the holding of William Tirrie, cowper; and a garden parted in two lying between Copped hall on the south and the tenements of the said College lately in the holding of the said Tyrrye and other on the north, which garden was of old time called "the vineger garden of Crane"; and also one tenement there wherein lately dwelled one John Shawe, hatmaker; and one other tenement next adjoining to the same towards the south then standing void; and also one void plot of ground on the north side of the hatmaker's house, lately in the holding of John Swane, cooper, 26 feet in length and 15 feet in breadth as appears by an old extent thereof made and also by a former lease made to one John Slanninge, of London, gentleman. From Michaelmas last for 40 years. Rent £8. If any part of the premises is destroyed by fire and the lessee refuses to rebuild he shall forfeit his tenure. A fine of 20s in case of failure to make repairs ordered by lessor.
Witness: Mathew Bust.
Red wax seal on doubled tag. A bad impression.
Witness: Mathew Bust.
Red wax seal on doubled tag. A bad impression.
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- College records, COLL, (1440 - present)
- Royal Patents, ECR 39, (1440 - 1686)
- Papal Bulls, ECR 05, (1441 - 1498)
- Will of Henry V, ECR 59, (10 June 1421)
- Central governing records, ECR 60, (1440 - 2019)
- Accounts and accounting records, COLL ACC, (1440 -)
- Bursar, COLL B, (1440 - 2011)
- Benefactions, gifts and obits, COLL BEN, (1730 - 1984)
- Buildings, COLL BU, (1441 - 1983)
- Buildings Bursar, COLL BB, (c.1967 - 2000)
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- Records of College officers and departments, COLL D, (1800 - present)
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- ECR Estate Records, ECR 01 - 65, (12th century - 19th century)
- Fellows' papers, COLL FELL, (c.1648 - 1952)
- Finance, COLL F, (1800 -)
- College Livings, COLL LIV, (1706 - 1963)
- Registrar, COLL REG, (1707 - 1896)
- School Bursar, COLL SB, (1998 - 2012)
- Estates Manager, COLL EM, (1947 - 2004)
- Junior Bursar, COLL JB, (1800 - 1970)
- Provosts' papers, COLL P, (1528 - present)
- Provost and Fellows papers, COLL PF, (1986 - 2013)
- Vice-Provosts' papers, COLL VP, (1750 -)
- Letters, GB/1472/LTR, (1794-1963)
- Legal and title, COLL LT, (1744-1999)
Number 5 of 18 at this Level
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