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ECR 16 V 006

Reference code

ECR 16 V 006


Vintry, London: Indenture of lease of land




1 June 1582

Content description

Indenture of lease by the Provost and College, to Arthur Swayne, of London, gentleman, of the piece of ground 12 feet by 41 feet leased in 1539 to Robert Swayne. From Lady day last for 40 years. Rent 5s. If any part of the premises is destroyed by fire and the lessee refuses to rebuild he shall forfeit his tenure. A fine of 20s in case of failure to make repairs ordered by lessor.
Before the granting of this lease the lessee had surrendered his interest in the lease to Robert Swayne and in the holding late of John Swane, cooper, specified in the lease of 20 November 1581 (ECR 16 V 005).
Witnesses: Richard Tredwey, Matthew Bust.
Signature of lessee.
Doubled tag with traces of red wax seal.

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