Reference code
Committee papers
1900 -
Content description
Masters are closely involved in the running of the school through committees. The main ones were the School Fund, which looked at school finances and therefore had to consider such matters as numbers of teaching staff, the House Fund Committee, which after 1945 was set up to supervise the finances of the boarding houses, and the Amalgamated Games Fund, which looked at the sports accounts. These committees reported to the School Finance Committee which in turn reported to the Provost and Fellows. However, there were many other committees, either ad hoc to deal with a particular issue or longer running, such as the Domestic Committee, which was subordinate to the House Fund Committee. For many of these the papers are very scanty and for ad hoc committees in particular the report, often to be found in the papers of the supervising committee or even the P&F, may be the only trace of its existence.
No distinction has been made here between the principal committees and others. Each has been treated as a separate series.
Location of this record in the archive hierarchy
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Number 2 of 12 at this Level
- Next: General, SCH G, (1850 -)
- Previous: Boys' papers, SCH B, (1700 -)
Beneath this record in the archive hierarchy
- Committee administration, SCH C 01, (2013 -)
- Academic Development and Delivery Committee, SCH C ADDC, (2017 -)
- Amalgamated Games Fund, SCH C AGF, (1964 - 1994)
- Academic Planning Committee, SCH C AP, (1983)
- Appraisal Review Committee, SCH C APP, (1994 - 2000)
- Catering Committee, SCH C CAT, (1970)
- Chambers meeting, SCH C CHA, (2014 -)
- Co-Curricular Development & Delivery Committee, SCH C CO, (2022 -)
- Curriculum Committee, SCH C CUR, (1982 - 2017)
- Domestic Committee, SCH C DC, (1949 - 2001)
- Development Committee, SCH C DEV, (2003)
- Duplicating and Printing Committee, SCH C DP, (1961 - 1971)
- Duties Committee, SCH C DUT, (Septemberv 1971)
- Economy Committee, SCH C ECO, (1948)
- Environment Committee, SCH C ENV, (2016 - 2020)
- Educational Problems Committee, SCH C EP, (1982)
- Finance Committee, SCH C F, (1951 - 1999)
- Fire Precautions in Boarding Houses, SCH C FP, (October 1903)
- Games Committee, SCH C G, (1978 - 1996)
- General Committee, SCH C GEN, (1968 - 1970)
- Games Inspectorate, SCH C GI, (1990 - 1995)
- Heads of Department Committee, SCH C HOD, (1971 - 2019)
- House Fund Committee, SCH C HF, (1946 - 2002)
- House Masters' Meeting, SCH C HOUS, (1969 - 2017)
- House Working Committee, SCH C HW, (1966)
- ICT Committee, SCH C ICT, (1999 - 2015)
- Induction Committee, SCH C IND, (1994 - 1995)
- July Examination of Specialists, SCH C JE, (nd)
- Junior Scholarship Committee, SCH C JS, (1971 - 2007)
- Masters' Committee, SCH C M, (2014 - 2020)
- Masters' Finance Committee, SCH C MF, (2010 -)
- Partnerships Delivery & Development Committee, SCH C PAR, (2022)
- Pastoral Development & Delivery Committee, SCH C PAS, (2022)
- Playing Fields Committee, SCH C PL, (1874 - 1998)
- Professional Development Committee, SCH C PD, (1998 - 2003)
- Prizes Committee, SCH C PRI, (1987 - 2018)
- Remuneration and Conditions of Service Group, SCH C RCOS, (2003 - 2019)
- Special Educational Needs and Disability Committee [SEND], SCH C SEND, (2009 - 2016)
- School Fund Committee, SCH C SF, (1932 - 1999)
- School Strategy Committee, SCH C STR, (2006 - 2007)
- Tutorial Review Committee, SCH C TR, (1997)