ECR 20 001 - 018
Reference code
ECR 20 001 - 018
Baldwins, Kent: Deeds
1531 - 1799
Location of this record in the archive hierarchy
Click the hyperlinked text below for further details.
(Click here to scroll to the current record within the hierarchy)
- College records, COLL, (1440 - present)
- Royal Patents, ECR 39, (1440 - 1686)
- Papal Bulls, ECR 05, (1441 - 1498)
- Will of Henry V, ECR 59, (10 June 1421)
- Central governing records, ECR 60, (1440 - 2019)
- Accounts and accounting records, COLL ACC, (1440 -)
- Bursar, COLL B, (1440 - 2011)
- Benefactions, gifts and obits, COLL BEN, (1730 - 1984)
- Buildings, COLL BU, (1441 - 1983)
- Buildings Bursar, COLL BB, (c.1967 - 2000)
- Collections, COLL C, (1800 -)
- Companies, COLL CO, (1960 -)
- Choir School, COLL CS, (1922 - 1968)
- Records of College officers and departments, COLL D, (1800 - present)
- Estates, COLL EST, (1440s - present)
- ECR Estate Records, ECR 01 - 65, (12th century - 19th century)
- Fellows' papers, COLL FELL, (c.1648 - 1952)
- Finance, COLL F, (1800 -)
- College Livings, COLL LIV, (1706 - 1963)
- Registrar, COLL REG, (1707 - 1896)
- School Bursar, COLL SB, (1998 - 2012)
- Estates Manager, COLL EM, (1947 - 2004)
- Junior Bursar, COLL JB, (1800 - 1970)
- Provosts' papers, COLL P, (1528 - present)
- Provost and Fellows papers, COLL PF, (1986 - 2013)
- Vice-Provosts' papers, COLL VP, (1750 -)
- Letters, GB/1472/LTR, (1794-1963)
- Legal and title, COLL LT, (1744-1999)
Number 1 of 5 at this Level
- Next: Baldwins, Kent: Inquisitions, ECR 20 0019, (1525 - 1530)
- Previous: No previous sibling at this level
Beneath this record in the archive hierarchy
- Baldwins, Kent: Indenture of lease of manor, ECR 20 001, (22 March 1531)
- Baldwins, Kent: Indenture of exchange of land, ECR 20 002, (5 September 1531)
- Baldwins, Kent: Copy grant of hospital of St James, London, ECR 20 003, (1 November 1531)
- Baldwins, Kent: Copy Act confirming exchange of land, ECR 20 004, (April 1531 - April 1532)
- Baldwins, Kent: Draft lease of manor, ECR 20 005, ([16th century])
- Baldwins, Kent: Indenture of lease of manor, ECR 20 006, (25 July 1630)
- Baldwins, Kent: Indenture of assignment of lease of woods, ECR 20 007, (10 July 1641)
- Baldwins, Kent: Indenture of lease of manor, ECR 20 008, (23 December 1653)
- Baldwins, Kent: Indenture of lease of manor, ECR 20 009, (28 December 1659)
- Baldwins, Kent: Indenture of lease of manor, ECR 20 010, (23 April 1660)
- Baldwins, Kent: Indenture of lease of manor, ECR 20 011, (19 April 1667)
- Baldwins, Kent: Indenture of lease of manor, ECR 20 012, (2 January 1760)
- Baldwins, Kent: Counterpart lease of manor, ECR 20 013, (30 May 1766)
- Baldwins, Kent: Indenture of lease of manor, ECR 20 014, ([30 May 1766])
- Baldwins, Kent: Indenture of lease of manor, ECR 20 015, (2 August 1787)
- Baldwins, Kent: Indenture of lease of manor, ECR 20 016, (28 April 1794)
- Baldwins, Kent: Counterpart lease of manor, ECR 20 017, (28 April 1794)
- Baldwins, Kent: Draft indenture of sale of manor, ECR 20 018, (24 July 1799)