MS 430 01 05 08
Reference code
MS 430 01 05 08
Anne Thackeray Ritchie collection: scrapbook of press cuttings relating to William Makepeace Thackeray
Extent & medium
1 volume
Content description
Complied by Hester Ritchie, the volume contains cuttings from various newspapers, primarily concerning the sale of William Makepeace Thackeray books, letters and manuscripts. However, it also includes general cuttings concerning W.M. Thackeray, including his work, his marriage to Isabella Shawe and his daughter Anne Thackeray Ritchie.
Notable articles include:
‘A Relic of W.M. Thackeray’ by Anne Thackeray Ritchie
An article on the death of Isabella Thackeray
Also included is a sales catalogue for the sale of the library of Miss Georgina S. Hurt, which included autograph letters of W.M. Thackeray
Notable articles include:
‘A Relic of W.M. Thackeray’ by Anne Thackeray Ritchie
An article on the death of Isabella Thackeray
Also included is a sales catalogue for the sale of the library of Miss Georgina S. Hurt, which included autograph letters of W.M. Thackeray
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