MS 707 01 31
MS 707 01 31
Belinda Norman-Butler archive: Letters from Billy Ritchie to Meg Ritchie
1 file containing 36 letters
The autograph letters cover the period where Billy was recuperating with Belinda Norman-Butler in Cambridge and problems with his increasing deafness.
Other subjects of the letters include:
Observations about Belinda’s work with the ESU and her work for American troops
The progress of the war, including the post-Normandy landings
Harvard University Press and the edition of William Makepeace Thackeray’s letters
[Item 31 in John Aplin’s initial catalogue]
Other subjects of the letters include:
Observations about Belinda’s work with the ESU and her work for American troops
The progress of the war, including the post-Normandy landings
Harvard University Press and the edition of William Makepeace Thackeray’s letters
[Item 31 in John Aplin’s initial catalogue]