MS 707 01 39
MS 707 01 39
Belinda Norman-Butler archive: Letters from Belinda Norman-Butler to her family
1 file containing 59 letters
The autograph letters are mostly written to her mother and father, but also to James, Catherine and Maisie. They describe her stay in Brussels, where she went to learn French and to work on her piano.
[Item 39 in John Aplin’s initial catalogue]
[Item 39 in John Aplin’s initial catalogue]
- Next: Belinda Norman-Butler archive: Letters relating to the manuscript of Belinda Norman Butler’s unpublished novel, ‘A la Bonne Heure’, MS 707 01 40, (1951-1975)
- Previous: Belinda Norman-Butler archive: Letters from Belinda Norman-Butler and Edward Norman-Butler to Meg Ritchie and Billy Ritchie, MS 707 01 38, (c.1937-41)