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MS 917 01 06 10

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MS 917 01 06 10


Cazalet family papers: Thelma Cazalet-Keir: Correspondence, A-K



Other Number



1917 - 1980

Extent & medium

1 file

Content description

Correspondence to Thelma Cazalet-Keir by correspondents including Arnold Bennett (1867-1931), Robert Boothby, Baron Boothby (1900-1986), Baroness Sophie Buxhoeveden (1883-1956), Sir Harold Caccia (1905-1990), Lady Theo Cadogan (d. 1977), Richard Church (1893-1972), Kenneth Clark (1928-1999), Lady Colins, Colin Coote (1893-1979), J. Coutts, Noel Coward (1899-1973), David Lindsay, Earl of Crawford (1900-1975), Sir Alec Douglas-Home (1903-1985), Charles Duncombe, Earl of Feversham (1906-1963), Gerald Ford (38th President of the United States), Mary Glasgow (d. 1984), Sir Percy James Grigg (1890-1964), Patrick Buchan-Hepburn, Baron Hailes (1901-1974), James Barry Munnik Hertzog (1866-1942), Sir Barry Jackson (1879-1961), Sir Ian Jacob (1899-1993), Alexander Kellar.

Publication note

A monograph based in part on this dissertation published as: N.J. Crowson, Facing fascism: the Conservative party and the European dictators, 1935-1940 (London: Routledge, 1997).

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