MS 972 02
Reference code
MS 972 02
Thackeray - Ritchie family papers (Murray archive): Papers of Richmond Ritchie
Extent & medium
1 box containing 1 volume and 248 items
Content description
These papers of Sir Richmond Ritchie include letters and other material relating to his civil service career in the India Office, some personal items, printed material, and a brown leather book given to him by his wife Anne Thackeray Ritchie
Richmond Ritchie's papers have been divided into three sub-series:
02 01: General correspondence relating to Richmond Ritchie
02 02: Correspondence and papers relating to Richmond Ritchie’s career in the India Office
02 03: Personal papers and items belonging to Richmond Ritchie
02 01: General correspondence relating to Richmond Ritchie
02 02: Correspondence and papers relating to Richmond Ritchie’s career in the India Office
02 03: Personal papers and items belonging to Richmond Ritchie
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Number 2 of 4 at this Level
Beneath this record in the archive hierarchy
- Thackeray - Ritchie family papers (Murray archive): General correspondence relating to Richmond Ritchie, MS 972 02 01, (1872-1957)
- Thackeray - Ritchie family papers (Murray archive): Correspondence and papers relating to Richmond Ritchie's career in the India Office, MS 972 02 02, (c.1870 - c.1914)
- Thackeray - Ritchie family papers (Murray archive): Personal papers and items belonging to Richmond Ritchie, MS 972 02 03, (c.1860-1913)