MS 675 02 01
MS 675 02 01
Gavin Young's travel notebooks
4 boxes
Created during Young’s various travels, they range from notes on the places he passed through to notes for articles during his role as a foreign correspondent for The Observer. The notes he made were generally very brief and act more as an aide memoire of the places he visited.
Most of the notebooks are undated and appear to overlap with each other. Young would often start a notebook, but leave the majority of the pages blank.
Most of the notebooks are undated and appear to overlap with each other. Young would often start a notebook, but leave the majority of the pages blank.
The notebooks have been ordered broadly according to destination, reflecting the order in which they were received by Eton College Library. They have placed in chronological order by the cataloguing archivist.
- Next: Gavin Young's diaries, MS 675 02 02, (1945-1986)
- Previous: No previous sibling at this level
- Gavin Young: Box of notebooks created during his time in the Middle East, MS 675 02 01 01, ([1954-1984])
- Gavin Young: Box of notebooks created during his time in Vietnam, Southeast Asia and Africa, MS 675 02 01 02, ([1964-1978])
- Gavin Young: Box of notebooks created during his time in Cyprus, Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Israel, Europe and USA, MS 675 02 01 03, ([1966-1979])
- Gavin Young: Box of notebooks created during his time in Nagaland, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan, MS 675 02 01 04, ([1975-1978])
- Gavin Young: Loose notebooks, MS 675 02 01 05, ([1965-1986])
- Gavin Young: Box of notebooks created during his time in the U.S.A, MS 675 02 01 06, (1975-1994)
- Gavin Young: Box of notebooks created during his time in Southeast Asia, MS 675 02 01 07, ([1977-1990])