ECR 12 472
ECR 12 472
Windsor, Berkshire: Quitclaim of messuage
4 April 1339
Quitclaim by Alice, sister and heir of Thomas Burnel, son of Edward Burnel, of New Windsor, to John Swyft, of New Windsor, and Ellen, his wife, of all her right in a messuage in New Windsor between messuages of John Hereward and John le Drasper, and in a piece of land called Bocchescroft lying in the parish of Windsor between the land of William Maurdyn and the land of Richard Holebode, and in an acre of land called le Longecroft lying under Underore in Le Longefolang between the land of John Godefray and the land of Adam le Rede, and in two pourprestures lying at Spitelhulle between the King's way and the land of John Ertand, as in contained in a charter of grant to the said John Swyft and Ellen, his wife, by William Sporon, citizen and goldsmith of London.
Witnesses: John le Lyforde, Osbert le Taverner, John le Peyntor, John le Drasper, John Hertle and others.
Given at Windsor 4 April 13 Edward III.
Witnesses: John le Lyforde, Osbert le Taverner, John le Peyntor, John le Drasper, John Hertle and others.
Given at Windsor 4 April 13 Edward III.