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ECR 12 657

Reference code

ECR 12 657


Windsor, Berkshire: Memorandum of plea





Content description

Memorandum of a plea between John Mildenhale, Purveyor of King Richard II, plaintiff, and the King, defendant, of 19s 7d of rents of assarts within the forest of Windsor in exoneration of the said John of the said rents, and the plea was taken in Westminster in the King's Exchequer, and they proceeded to York, and the said parties were called there and the jurors did not come so were amerced for 3s 4d each. Afterwards when they returned to Westminster the jurors exonerated the said John Mildenhale and his heirs from the said rents, as appears in record in the year after the return of the court from York.
Memorandum of the names underwritten, to wit Thomas Broket, one of the Remembrancers of the King's Exchequer, and RIchard Hukelegh, one of the clerks of the same, for Nicholas Sy querebatur de redditbus ex alia parte sctipto vel Johannes Midenhale.
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