ED 219
Reference code
ED 219
Paddlesteamer `Etona' and River Murray Mission
Administrative / Biographical history
Etona was built in 1898 as a Church of England missionary steamer with the aid of funding from Eton College. In 1912, it became a fishing vessel and is now in Echuca, Australia, following restoration in the 1960s.
Extent & medium
5 items
Associated material
ED 73, ED 95,ED 161
Location of this record in the archive hierarchy
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Number 219 of 554 at this Level
Beneath this record in the archive hierarchy
- Booklet: The Mission Paddle Steamer Etona, ED 219 01, (1995)
- Photograph of outside of chapel on Etona, ED 219 02, (2005)
- Photograph of Etona: general view, ED 219 03, (2005)
- Photograph of Etona: general view, ED 219 04, (2005)
- Painting: paddle steamer Etona, ED 219 05, ([2005])
- Photograph of Etona: general view, ED 219 06, (2005)
- Receipt, ED 219 07, (5 January 2005)