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ED 250 05 04 31

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ED 250 05 04 31


Robert Chichester Durnford: Letters to Mrs Durnford





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9 items

Content description

Envelope addressed to Mrs Durnford, postmarked 21 November 1918, containing the following letters:
a.) Claud Matthews, Bttn. Lt. Col., OC 1/4th Hants Regt., to Richard Durnford. 25 June 1918
b.) S. Biddlecombe, Chaplain, to Mrs Durnford. 28 June 1918
c.) J. de Courcy Hamilton to Walter Durnford (copy). 30 June 1918
d.) Lt. J. G. Wilkinson to Richard Durnford. 12 July 1918
e.) J. de Courcy Hamilton to Richard Durnford. 28 July 1918
f.) Dudley G.H. Osborne to Mrs Durnford. 8 August 1918
g.) 2nd Lt. R.A. Green to Mrs Durnford. 25 September 1918
h.) J. de Courcy Hamilton to Richard Durnford. 18 October 1918
i.) empty envelope, addressed to Mrs Durnford, postmarked 1 November 1918

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