ED 250 05 04 31
Reference code
ED 250 05 04 31
Robert Chichester Durnford: Letters to Mrs Durnford
Extent & medium
9 items
Content description
Envelope addressed to Mrs Durnford, postmarked 21 November 1918, containing the following letters:
a.) Claud Matthews, Bttn. Lt. Col., OC 1/4th Hants Regt., to Richard Durnford. 25 June 1918
b.) S. Biddlecombe, Chaplain, to Mrs Durnford. 28 June 1918
c.) J. de Courcy Hamilton to Walter Durnford (copy). 30 June 1918
d.) Lt. J. G. Wilkinson to Richard Durnford. 12 July 1918
e.) J. de Courcy Hamilton to Richard Durnford. 28 July 1918
f.) Dudley G.H. Osborne to Mrs Durnford. 8 August 1918
g.) 2nd Lt. R.A. Green to Mrs Durnford. 25 September 1918
h.) J. de Courcy Hamilton to Richard Durnford. 18 October 1918
i.) empty envelope, addressed to Mrs Durnford, postmarked 1 November 1918
a.) Claud Matthews, Bttn. Lt. Col., OC 1/4th Hants Regt., to Richard Durnford. 25 June 1918
b.) S. Biddlecombe, Chaplain, to Mrs Durnford. 28 June 1918
c.) J. de Courcy Hamilton to Walter Durnford (copy). 30 June 1918
d.) Lt. J. G. Wilkinson to Richard Durnford. 12 July 1918
e.) J. de Courcy Hamilton to Richard Durnford. 28 July 1918
f.) Dudley G.H. Osborne to Mrs Durnford. 8 August 1918
g.) 2nd Lt. R.A. Green to Mrs Durnford. 25 September 1918
h.) J. de Courcy Hamilton to Richard Durnford. 18 October 1918
i.) empty envelope, addressed to Mrs Durnford, postmarked 1 November 1918
Location of this record in the archive hierarchy
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- Deposited records, ED, (c.1500 - present)
- Letters from Hubert Brinton to Patrick Halsey, at Eton 1918-1924, ED 001, (1924 - 1925)
- Letters from William Cookesley to Lord Holland on a bust of Charles James Fox, ED 002, ([1841] - 1947)
- Letter on New Zealand from Jack Kitson to Henry Dupuis, 1843, ED 003, ([1986])
- Diaries of Rollo Graham-Campbell, at Eton 1881-1887, ED 004, (1886 - 1887)
- Album of Hugh Leggatt, at Eton 1937-1942, ED 005, (1940 - 1942)
- Letter to William Lorance Rogers from William Rogers, at Eton 1832-1837, ED 006, (9 July 1837)
- Sketch book of Ernest Tennant, at Eton 1900-1905, ED 007, (c.1902 - 1904)
- Letters of thanks to Mrs Lyttelton from Belgian refugees, ED 008, (1915 - 1916)
- Letters on Edward Stanley and rebellion at Eton, 1818, ED 009, (1818 - 1940)
- Account books of Edward Hayes Pickering, at Eton 1817-1826, ED 010, (1817 - 1821)
- Letters to his parents from Patrick Halsey, at Eton 1918-1924, ED 011, (1918 - 1921)
- Letters and reports on George William King, at Eton 1836-1839, ED 012, (1836 - 1839)
- Description by John Taylor Coleridge of departure of Bishop Selwyn, ED 013, (1841 - 1938)
- Papers from Richard Wellesley, Marquess Wellesley of Norragh, ED 014, (1839 - 1841)
- Cutting on election of Thomas Francis Fremantle as MP for Buckinghamshire, ED 015, ([1876])
- Letters to Claude Elliott, Head Master of Eton and then Provost of Eton, from Provost Cecil, ED 016, (1939 - 1971)
- Letter from Vice-Provost Nicholson and associated correspondence, ED 017, (1988 - 1989)
- Account book of Arthur Hazlerigg, at Eton 1892-1897, ED 018, (1892 - 1896)
- Diary by Peter Young of Public Schools Empire Tours Committee visit to Africa, ED 019, (January 1937 - April 1937)
- Letter from Robert Baker to his son Richard on leaving Eton, ED 020, (15 July 1808)
- Papers of Cyprian Bridge, at Eton 1918-1924, ED 021, (1918 - 1927)
- Papers of Austin Thomas Anderson, at Eton 1883-1885, ED 022, (1883 - 1988)
- Scrapbook of Charles Christopher Gaddum, Assistant Master 1928-1955, ED 023, (1928 - 1950)
- Diaries of John Deacon, at Eton 1839-1844, ED 024, (1843 - 1844)
- Science notebook, ED 025, ([c.1887])
- School bills of Con O'Neill, at Eton 1615-1622, ED 026, (1617 - 1618)
- School bill for Thomas Wood, at Eton 1718-1725, ED 027, (10 June 1724)
- Letters to Ernest Bell, Chairman of the Humanitarian League, ED 028, (1902)
- "Expense of entering a young gentelman at Eatton School", ED 029, (17 February 1757)
- Papers of Henry Graham, at Eton 1888-1892, ED 030, (1890 - 1892)
- Discussion on Eton broadcast on Central ITV, ED 031, (3 June 1988)
- Papers of William Frederick Donkin, at Eton 1856-1862, ED 032, (1859 - 1889)
- Mellor family scrapbooks, ED 033, (c.1899 - 1930)
- Scrapbook of - Ames, ED 034, (c.1872 - 1903)
- Letter from John Williams, at Eton c.1796-1802, to his father describing Fourth Form exercises, ED 035, (12 May 1797)
- File of Walter Godfrey on the War Memorial Chapel, 1922 - 1924, ED 036, (1991)
- Scrapbook of John Pape, at Eton 1903-1908, ED 037, (1903 - 1908)
- Scrapbook and papers of Oliver Leese, at Eton 1908-1914, ED 038, (1907 - 1944)
- Diary of John Edward Talbot, at Eton 1883-1889, ED 039, (1885 - 1888, 1892)
- School bills of John Randle Minshull Ford, at Eton 1855-1858, ED 040, (1855 - 1858)
- Diaries of Charlotte Lucia Goodford, daughter of Provost Goodford, ED 041, (1871 - 1874)
- Halsey family papers, ED 042, (1883 - 1887)
- Wall Game challenges by E.L. Churchill's Library, ED 043, (1910 - 1911)
- Cricket scrapbook of Arthur Carew Richards, ED 044, (1879 - 1922, 1952)
- Eton Calendar (printed) of Thomas Grey Fullerton, ED 045, (1843 - 1844)
- Science notebook of Owen Tudor Crawshay, ED 046, (1892 - 1894)
- School notebooks of the Warner family, ED 047, (1848 - 1897)
- Diary of William Foster Pigott, ED 048, (1774 - 1778)
- Papers of Owen Tudor Crawshay, ED 049, (1892 - 1894)
- Papers of Arthur Pelham Heneage, ED 050, (1898 - 1899)
- Scrapbook of Amyas Francis Warre, ED 051, (1886 - 1889)
- Letter from Dorothy Sayers to John Dalgairns Upcott, ED 052, (1 September 1941)
- Scrapbooks of Thomas Buchanan Carter, ED 053, (1917 - 1927)
- Materials for the life of William Windham Farr, ED 054, (c.1786 - c.1845)
- Sir David John Montagu Douglas Scott: Memoirs of life as Oppidan and Colleger, ED 055, (1985)
- Scrapbook of Richard Assheton, ED 056, (1878 - 1883)
- Letter from John Evelyn to Samuel Pepys, ED 057, (2 April 1694)
- Hymn Society Bulletin: article on Rev. Clement Cotterill Scholefield, Conduct 1880 - 1890, ED 058, (July 1994)
- Obituary of Henry Kelsall Prescott, ED 059, (1 January 1996)
- Autobiography of Edward Coleridge, ED 060, (1876)
- Circular from Sam Scott on behalf of Eton Memorial Appeal, ED 061, (25 September 1995)
- F.H. Popham: account of his D-Day experiences on HMS Recruit 7th MS, June 1944, ED 062, (June 1995)
- Memories of Eton College Choir 1928 - 1933 by Tom Porter, ED 063, ([20th century])
- Obituary of John Adrian Hope, 1st Baron Glendevon, 1913 - 1996, Fellow of Eton 1956 - 1966, ED 064, (4 February 1996)
- Papers of Algernon Heneage Drummond, ED 065, (1857 - 1861)
- Scores of Eton-Harrow cricket matches 1822-1824, ED 066, (19 July 1902)
- Papers of the Christie-Miller family, ED 067, (c.1894 - 1914)
- Letter from Lord Bridges to Nick Hitchcock on Eton during World War II, ED 068, (3 March 1996)
- Letter from John Swire to George Warren Swire, ED 069, (10 September 1896)
- Shooting score book of Christopher Lever, ED 070, (1948 - 1949)
- Baseball match programme: Bombers v. Recons, ED 071, ([1944])
- Komaba Toho News report on first exchange scholar, ED 072, (23 December 1988)
- Riverboat 'Etona', ED 073, ([19th century])
- Letter from Leonard Laxton to Eric Anderson, ED 074, (13 January 1990)
- Letters from Jane Evans to Miss Tute, ED 075, (1907)
- Armiger bills, ED 076, (1696 - 1700)
- Chloe Preston: Improperly Dressed at Lord's, ED 077, ([1927])
- Papers of Thomas Chamberlayne, ED 078, (18th century)
- Papers of H. Hall, ED 079, (1947 - 1954)
- A. Gibson-Watt: Town and Gown, ED 080, ([1938 - 1943])
- Juliet Fowler: A site assessment of Eton meadows, ED 081, (1996)
- Account of the expenses of Henry and William Cavendish, ED 082, (1560)
- Letter from Edward Coleridge to 9th Earl of Orford, ED 083, (9 November 1864)
- Letter from Jane Evans to Miss Tute, ED 084, (August 1903)
- Sketches and watercolours by Lewis John Mason Grant, ED 085, (c.1897 - 1898)
- Letter from David Stevenson to Charles Ruggles, ED 086, ([1762])
- Papers of William Mott, ED 087, (1827 - 1830)
- Letter from Charles J. Kemeys-Tynte to his father, ED 088, (9 June 1815)
- William Mansfield Stone: fragment of poem on a cricket match, 11 July 1815, with related papers, ED 089, (1815, 1865)
- Letter from Archibald Graham-Campbell to his mother, ED 090, (11 November 1918)
- School Certificate awarded to Algernon Villiers, ED 091, (1909)
- Papers of Antony Grant, ED 092, (1947 - 1953)
- Papers of Peter Gordon Cardew, ED 093, (1915 - 1920)
- Rules of the Thursday Club, ED 094, ([1929])
- River Murray Mission and steamship Etona, ED 095, ([1994])
- Papers of Robert Lambert, ED 096, (1933 - 1939, 1997)
- Letter from Henry Peach, mathematical assistant master, to his sister, ED 097, (28 January 1859)
- Testimonial from Provost and Fellows for John Hanson, ED 098, (1681 - 1682)
- Papers of the Baring family, ED 099, (c.1922)
- Extract from the diary of the Duke of Cambridge, ED 100, (4 June 1889)
- Work by evacuees from Clapham High School for Girls, ED 101, (1939 - 1945)
- Schoolwork of P.F. Torday, Oppidan Scholar, ED 102, (1991 - 1992)
- A Sketch of the Business of Eton School by Dr Graham, ED 103, (1751)
- Presentation volume from Egham Civil Defence Wardens to C.J.M. Adie, ED 104, ([1944])
- Papers of Sir Wasey Sterry, ED 105, (c.1903 - 1951)
- Letter from Hubert Nind to Edie, ED 106, (24 January 1861)
- Letters to Hon. Dudley de Ros, ED 107, (1843 - 1845)
- Bill from Messrs Denman & Goddard, ED 108, (Easter 1898)
- Letters from E.C. Devereux to Captain J.V. Hermon D.S.O., ED 109, (1933)
- Letter from James Lawrence to his parents on 1887 Jubilee, ED 110, (26 June 1887 (postmark))
- Letter from Rowland Charles Palmer-Morewood, ED 111, (22 February 1894)
- Letters home from Robert Hamilton Dundas, at Eton 1897-1903, ED 112, (1897 - 1901)
- Schoolwork of Charles Rae, ED 113, (1935 - 1941)
- Chapman letters, ED 114, (c.1893 - 1898)
- Papers of the Halsey family, ED 115, (1854 - 1924)
- Papers of Sir Wasey Sterry, ED 116, ([1884 - 1955])
- Letter from Gerald Bettridge to Provost Acland, ED 117, (17 April 1998)
- Letter from Charles Marsham, Earl of Romney, to Robert Marsham, Baron Romney, ED 118, (2 February 1791)
- Bookplate for Assistant Masters' Mathematical Prize awarded to Graham Smith, ED 119, (July 1857)
- Bills of Robert Dillon, 3rd Lord Clonbrock, ED 120, (1822 - 1823)
- Letters, reports and bills of John Burton Sanderson Haldane, ED 121, (1905 - 1911)
- Gibbs papers, ED 122, (1818 - 1906)
- Scrapbook of James Shuckburgh Carter, ED 123, (c.1885 - 1900)
- Education as Eton Interprets the Word: a report by Frank Simmonds, ED 124, (1962 - 1963)
- Maps by Geoffrey Sparrow, ED 125, (1941)
- Drafts of "Father Coincidence" Saga by Geoffrey Headlam, ED 126, ([1903 - 1942])
- Rules for the Keeper of the Playing Fields, ED 127, (3 June 1885)
- Eton Notebook. Reminiscences of life at Eton as evacuee with Clapham Girls Secondary School, ED 128, (1981)
- Plans for the garden of The Marches, Willowbrook, ED 129, (1926 - 1927)
- Eton Almanack, ED 130, (1857 - 1876)
- Bills of Charles Gerald Brocklebank, ED 131, (1907 - 1908)
- Letter from Sir Eugen Millington Drake to Cecil Farrer, ED 132, (11 January 1930)
- Exercise books of Marquess of Anglesey, ED 133, (1937 - 1938)
- Letter from David Ker to Richard Ker, ED 134, (4 May 1793)
- Letter from William Ady to George Roche, ED 135, (29 September 1804)
- Extracts of letters home from Adrian Swire, ED 136, (1945 - 1950)
- Letters from Leighton Hayne, Precentor, to Maria Hackett, ED 137, (1867 - 1869)
- Papers of Robert Needham Cust, at Eton c.1838, ED 138, (1834 - 1840)
- Extracts from diary and letter of Elisabeth Mary Babington-Smith, ED 139, (1894 - 1899)
- Article on Farrer Theatre by Francis Reid, ED 140, (March 1969)
- Bills of Wadham Wyndham with letters from his dame, ED 141, (1791 - 1794)
- The Wall Paintings in Eton College Chapel, ED 142, (March 1976)
- Chemistry notes by Harding Giffard, Earl of Halsbury, ED 143, (1896)
- Papers of Jackson family, ED 144, (1891 - 1930)
- Montagu-Douglas-Scott papers, ED 145, (1896 - 1903)
- Letters to (Arthur) Lionel Forster Smith on his candidature for the post of Head Master, ED 146, (1933)
- Papers of George Mansfield, ED 147, (1934 - 1939)
- Notebook of Arthur Hills, 4th Marquess of Downshire, ED 148, (c.1824 - 1830)
- Record of sport at Eton by Sir Reginald Welby, ED 149, (1846 - 1850)
- Scrapbook of Norman Loder, ED 150, (1901 - 1904)
- List of Richard Martineau's pupils, ED 151, (1966)
- Letter from Hugh Bold to his father describing a party at Frogmore Gardens, ED 152, (17 June 1814)
- Letters to Theophilus Hastings, Earl of Huntingdon, ED 153, (1690 - 1692)
- Judo at Eton, ED 154, (1929 - 1930)
- Extracts from the diaries of the 4th Duke of Newcastle, ED 155, (1828 - 1842)
- Letters from Edward Austen Leigh to C.P. Serocold, ED 156, (1883 - 1887)
- Notes on Charles Wellington Furse papers in Lambeth Palace Library, ED 157, ([2000])
- Account by Alice Hall of her education at Ypres British School, ED 158, (2000)
- Diaries of Edward Melville Lawford, ED 159, (1840 - 1843)
- Autobiography of John Ryle, Bishop of Liverpool, ED 160, (1828 - 1834)
- Riverboat Etona, ED 161, (1996 - 2000)
- Papers of Nicholas Crace, ED 162, (1942 - 1946)
- Article by Andrew Steven on racquet belonging to John Robert Gladstone, ED 163, (22 October 1998)
- Letter from William Cookesley to [Horatio Walpole, 8th Earl of Orford], ED 164, (1 September 1841)
- Gosling family letters, ED 165, (1809 - 1815)
- Shakespeare Society cards, ED 166, ([1880s])
- Letters from George Lewis to his brother Gilbert Lewis, ED 167, (July 1826)
- Catalogue (extract) of the Boulton Papers, 1829-1839, containing letters relating to Eton, ED 168, (2000)
- Large script Greek texts written for G. MacMillan KS, ED 169, (1948 - 1949)
- Alexander Milner: Sonatine Mystique, ED 170, (January 1999)
- Account by Norah Cooke of her experiences as an evacuee in Savile House, c.1940, ED 171, (2000)
- Papers of Aubrey Beasley-Robinson, ED 172, (1921 - 1951)
- Papers of Charles William Brocklebank, ED 173, (1943 - 1948)
- Memories of Eton 1943 - 1948 by the Earl of Snowdon, ED 174, (1984)
- Papers of Arthur Maxwell-Lyte, ED 175, (1890 - 1921)
- School bills of John Moncrieff Wright, ED 176, (1946 - 1947)
- Papers of Richard Lionel Ford, ED 177, (1908 - 1924)
- Leveson-Gower papers, ED 178, (1877 - 1906)
- Letter from Henry Rowe to his father Nathaniel Rowe, ED 179, (20 July 1764)
- Letter from Edmond Warre to Frederick Halcomb, ED 180, (12 May 1890)
- Reminiscences of Mervyn Bruxner, Music teacher, ED 181, (1930s)
- Early Remembrances by Dora Foljambe, ED 182, ([1860s])
- Letter from W.S.R. Kenyon-Slaney to Tim Card on the expulsion of Henry Ford Gurney Barclay, ED 183, (1999)
- Letter from George Arbuthnot to his father, ED 184, (1829)
- Diary of Lewis Charles Cholmeley, ED 185, (January - June 1872)
- School bills of Charles Barclay-Harvey, ED 186, (1903 - 1904)
- Article by Mary Denness, ED 187, (March 2002)
- Press cutting on birching, 1902, ED 188, (25 July 2002)
- Letter from Edome Broughton-Adderley on her uncle Edward Broughton-Adderley, ED 189, (3 December 1993)
- Commission of John Julius Jersey de Knoop in the 4th (Eton College) Volunteer Battalion, Oxfordshire LI, ED 190, (28 November 1894)
- Fly leaf of [Keats' Letters], ED 191, (December 1938)
- Correspondence of Anne Marsh-Caldwell with her son, ED 192, (1844)
- Letters and reports on Alfred Speyer, ED 193, (1885 - 1889)
- Wood family letters, ED 194, (c.1684 - 1724)
- Eton Bird Sanctuary, with list of birds seen near Eton 1940-1943, ED 195, (23 October 2002)
- Absentes Adsunt: Memorials of the Great War in British Public Schools, ED 196, (2001)
- The Bird Sanctuary, Birds and Birdwatchers around Eton, 1935 - 1950, ED 197, (31 March 2003)
- Study of plant life round Eton by John Falcon Brown, ED 198, (1932)
- Classical versions, ED 199, (1922 - 1928)
- Norman Moore to George Fussey on the Bird Sanctuary, ED 200, (12 September 2002)
- Letters from Richard Walter Chetwynd, ED 201, (February 1877)
- Phil Crew: Chapel woodwork of 1699 - 1703, ED 202, (2003)
- Screenplays, ED 203, (1991)
- Letters from Samuel Sandbach to his mother, ED 204, (1859 - 1867)
- Papers of Charles North, at Eton 1931-1935, ED 205, (1931 - 1935)
- Letter to George Fussey on the Bird Sanctuary, ED 206, (29 June 2003)
- Swimming Pool permit, ED 207, (1971 - 1976)
- Reminiscences of Hugh Marsden (HKM), ED 208, ([1912 - 1951])
- The order in Eaton Colledge Bakehouse and Brewhouse, ED 209, (16th century)
- Papers of Evelyn Maxwell Webb, ED 210, (1910 - 1914)
- Address given at the funeral of Chiefy Barnes, ED 211, (21 April 2004)
- Papers of Peter Chance, ED 212, (1939)
- Local Opinion: reminiscences of Reg Sykes (1950s), ED 213, (1995)
- Reminiscences of Henry Haveley, ED 214, (2004)
- Papers of Maurice Buckmaster, ED 215, (1915 - 1992)
- Correspondence of William Selby Church on cricket matches, ED 216, (1856)
- Classics at Eton in the 1950s, ED 217, (December 2003)
- Cory-Wright papers, ED 218, (1929 - 1945)
- Paddlesteamer `Etona' and River Murray Mission, ED 219, (2005)
- Speech at Cruso Centenary Dinner, ED 220, (8 March 2005)
- Papers on plaque to Captain Oates at St George's College, Buenos Aires, ED 221, (2005)
- Before the Altar: The Devout Christian's Manual, ED 222 01, (1938)
- Postcard: boys in Lower School, ED 222 02, (1937)
- Letters to Leonard Huxley, ED 223, (1884 - 1899)
- Xenophon's Anabasis, edited by George Townsend, ED 224, (1823)
- Photographs of memorial in St James Church, Holetown, Barbados to John Gay Alleyne, ED 225, (2005)
- Papers of the Pemberton family, ED 226, (1874 - 1892)
- Letters from Sir Thomas Plumer, ED 227, (1766 - 1768)
- Album of press cuttings relating to cricket, ED 228, (1931 - 1935)
- Article: Bertrand Stewart. Patriot or amateur spy?, ED 229, (2005)
- Weekly report on Edmund Rodney Pollexfen Bastard, ED 230, (January 1840 - February 1840)
- Letters from Arthur Benson to John Bramston, ED 231, (1897 - 1901)
- Papers of Evelyn Fryer, ED 232, (1902 - 1907)
- Diary of Edward Compton Austen Leigh and related papers, ED 233, (1872 - 1942)
- Use of Welsh at Speeches, ED 234, (1895)
- Latin verses by HRH the Duke of Gloucester, ED 235, ([1941 - 1972])
- Letters from Bishop James Chapman to his cousin John Leach Bennett, ED 236, (1819 - 1831)
- Scrapbook of press cuttings: Eton in the News, ED 237, (c.1931 - 1939)
- Geography essay by HRH Prince Dipendra of Nepal, ED 238, (August 1989)
- Science notebook of Edward Denison, ED 239, (1894 - 1899)
- Science notebook of Gerald Halsey, ED 240, (1897 - 1898)
- Papers on Eton Manor Clubs, ED 241, (1960 - 1968)
- Papers and bills relating to Andrew Moncrieff, ED 242, (1974 - 1987)
- Papers of Henry St John Thackeray, ED 243, (1883 - 1887)
- Eton dinner for the Earl of Minto, Lord Curzon of Kedleston and Rev. J.E.C. Welldon, ED 244, (1898)
- Score card for Eton-Harrow match, ED 245, (July 1869)
- Sketches by Arthur Rickard, ED 246, (19th century)
- Papers of Algernon Villiers, ED 247, (1959 - 1984)
- Correspondence and papers of Charles des Graz, ED 248, (1945 - 1952)
- Brian Young: Eton and elsewhere, 1935 - 1941, ED 249, (2007)
- Brunskill papers, ED 250, (1670 - 1969)
- Letter from Provost Hornby to Edward Augustus Arnold, ED 251, (13 November 1876)
- Desmond Stratton: Memoirs of Eton During World War II, ED 252, (2007)
- Christopher Wells: The day air-raid warning messenger, ED 253, ([2007])
- Sir Dallas Bernard: Reminiscences of World War II, ED 254, (2007)
- Papers of Sir David Price, ED 255, (2004 - 2005)
- Sir Marcus Worsley: Eton in World War II, ED 256, (2007)
- Oliver Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes: Reminiscences of Eton in World War II, ED 257, (2007)
- Letter from Lord Thomas Swynnerton to 'Andrew', ED 258, (16 January 1988)
- Letter from Richard Rawstorne to Mrs Drummond on the death of Mortimer Heneage Drummond, ED 259, (7 March 1911)
- Scrapbooks of Roderick Hawes, ED 260, (1916 - 1923)
- John Pope: Eton in World War II, ED 261, (16 June 2007)
- Silhouettes of pupils of Charles Wilder, ED 262, (1833)
- Extracts from autobiography of Bishop Reginald Harmer, at Eton 1868-1877, ED 263, (1934)
- Autobiography of Andrew Gow, master at Eton 1914-1925, ED 264, (1967)
- Geoffrey Agnew: Eton 1940, ED 265, (1981)
- A.S. Hollis: Account of Classics at Eton in the 1950s, ED 266, (2003)
- Menus and circulars, ED 267, (1933 - 1938)
- Noel Blakiston papers, ED 268, (1622 - 1974)
- Letter from Frederick Lambert to his father, ED 269, (11 June 1873)
- Letter from Guy Phillips to his mother describing Armistice celebrations at Eton, ED 270, ([19 November 1918])
- Photographs of kneelers in the church of St Mary the Virgin, Abbotts Ann, Hampshire, commemorating Etonian rectors, ED 271, (2007)
- Papers of Tam Dalyell, at Eton 1945-1950, ED 272, (1945 - 2007)
- Papers of Henry Babington Smith, ED 273, (c.1960 - 1989)
- Cyril Leigh-Pemberton: Five Oppidans and a Tug, ED 274, (1897)
- Scrapbook of William Conybeare, at Eton 1885-1890, ED 275, (1887 - 1934)
- Exercise book of John Frere, ED 276, (1781 - 1787)
- Scrapbook: Manuscripts, ED 277, (1871 - 1898)
- Scrapbook: Eton Note Book, ED 278, (c.1881 - 1900)
- Scrapbook: 'Eton Pamphlets', ED 279, (c.1891 - 1897)
- Reminiscences of Eton by Reginald Winn, at Eton 1912-1917, ED 280, (1912 - 1917)
- Account of celebration at Eton of Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee, ED 281, (1897)
- Letter from John Patteson to Dr Gretton, ED 282, (8 December 1807)
- Scrapbook, ED 283, (c.1898 - 1899)
- The Cricket Match. A Fragment by William Stone, ED 284, (1814 - 1936)
- James R.L. Rankin: Habits and Manners Etonian by an Eton Boy, ED 285, (1885 - 1890)
- Etonians in India, ED 286, (1804 - 1939)
- Queen Victoria's Jubilee celebrations, ED 287, (1887 - 1897)
- Geoffrey Madan: The Rev. C.A. Alington, ED 288, ([20th century])
- George Dodd: A View of Eton College, ED 289, (1957)
- Letters from John Swire, ED 290, (1940 - 1944)
- F. St John Thackeray: Account of Eton College Library taken from Notes & Queries, 1881, ED 291, (1881)
- Papers of Rosemary Gell, Dame, ED 292, (1949 - 1953)
- Papers of Richard Austen-Leigh, ED 293, (1849 - 1955)
- Memoirs of John Joel, ED 294, (c.1860)
- DVD: "A Boy Called Alex", ED 295, (25 January 2008)
- Papers of Poppy Anderson, ED 296, (1970 - 1994)
- Letter from Walter Waring to his uncle, ED 297, (13 April 1900)
- Letter from Logie Leggatt to his parents, ED 298, ([19 July 1917])
- Lord Gainford: Description of first half at Eton, 1935, ED 299, (2008)
- Letter from Christopher Stone to the Earl of Rosebery, Fellow of Eton, ED 300, (7 December 1909)
- Letters from Richard Formby to his son Jonathan, ED 301, (1871 - 1878)
- Papers of Alan Stroyan, at Eton 1937-1943, ED 302, (1940 - 1941)
- Scrapbook of Henry Dudley Leggatt, at Eton 1936-1939, ED 303, (1936 - 1939)
- Invitation card to event to honour Alex Hua Tin and the Olympics, ED 304, (14 July 2008)
- Papers on the Eton Manor Boys' Clubs, ED 305, (2008)
- Official programmes for Henley Royal Regatta, ED 306, (29 June 2005 - 3 July 2005)
- Cartoons by Humphrey Lyttelton, ED 307, (1930s)
- Articles from The Sketch on the Wall Game, ED 308, (14 December 1955)
- Papers of Nigel Comrie, at Eton 1939-1944, ED 309, (1939 - 1945)
- Phyllis Browne: Some Memories of an Eton Childhood, ED 310, (1886 - 1900)
- Papers of Henry Hely-Hutchinson, at Eton 1938-1944, ED 311, (1938 - 1963)
- Letters from Purnell Bransby Purnell to Robert Bransby Cooper, ED 312, (1806 - 1807)
- Papers relating to musical Eton jugs, ED 313, (1937 - 1939)
- Walter Chance: First Half at Eton, 1894, ED 314, (2002)
- Sir Phillip Payne-Gallwey: Hunting Journal, ED 315, (1950 - 1953)
- Letter from Sir Alexander Gordon-Cumming to his mother, ED 316, (6 March 1861)
- Peter Adams: The Corps, ED 317, (c.2006)
- Letters to Mary Ann Moore (nee Digby), ED 318, (c.1868 - 1885)
- History of Eton Manor Boys' Clubs, ED 319, (2007)
- Papers of William Hayes, at Eton 1907-1913, ED 320, (1912 - 1919)
- Peter Adams: Boating at Eton in the 1930s, ED 321, (2009)
- Letter from Edward Hale to Edward Lawson, 1st Baron Burnham, on his sons, ED 322, (12 April 1878)
- Letters from Humphrey Carver, at Eton 1917-1922, ED 323, (1917 - 1922)
- Papers of Michael Babington Smith, at Eton 1914-1920, ED 324, (1914 - 1919)
- Sent-up for good card for John Giffard, 3rd Earl of Halsbury, ED 325, (24 July 1923)
- Papers of the Bruce family, Earls of Elgin, ED 326, (c.1862 - 1898)
- Letters from Ormsby Allhusen, at Eton 1902-1907, ED 327, (c.1902 - 1903)
- Dominie Nicholls: Uncle Alec's War, ED 328, (2002)
- Addresses delivered by the 12th Earl of Wemyss and 9th Earl of March, ED 329, (2009)
- Ephemera, ED 330, (1957 - 1959)
- Robert Booker's old boys, ED 331, (1901 - 1913)
- Leave tickets for Lord Lumley, ED 332, (1870 - 1874)
- Account of visit to commemorate George Butterworth, composer, ED 333, (25 July 2008)
- Scrapbook: Etonian dinners in India, ED 334, (1889 - 1954)
- Scrapbooks of Jane Speller, ED 335, (1988 - 1993)
- Letters to George Henry Cadogan, 1840 - 1915, 5th Earl Cadogan, ED 336, (1901 - 1903)
- Graham Hatton: Reminiscences of life as a chorister, 1919, ED 337, (1919)
- DVD: The Children Who Fought Hitler, ED 338, (2009)
- The Arena: Image of college, ED 339, (October 1912)
- The Children's Newspaper, ED 340, (25 December 1920)
- Sir William Gladstone: The Eton Corps, 1957. A personal reminiscence, ED 341, ([2010])
- Papers of Michael Hardy, at Eton 1935-1941, ED 342, (1935 - 1941)
- Letter from Thomas Blofeld to his father, ED 343, ([July 1855])
- Letters from Arthur Byas, at Eton 1864-1869, to his sister Alice, ED 344, (1867 - 1869)
- Letters from Sir Edward Repps Jodrell to his parents, ED 345, (1836 - 1837)
- Papers of Christopher Cowlard, at Eton 1935-1940, ED 346, (1936 - 1940)
- Verses, exercises and portraits, ED 347, (18th - 19th century)
- Scrapbooks of Gerald Loder, 1st Baron Wakehurst, at Eton 1875-1881, ED 348, (1900)
- Reginald Winn: Reminiscences of Eton 1912 - 1917, ED 349, (c.1970)
- Countess of Guilford to Francis George North, 1902 - 1940, Lord North, ED 350, (18 March 1916)
- Spicer papers, ED 351, (1831 - 1904)
- Letters to George Townshend, 1st Marquess Townshend of Raynham, on his sons, ED 352, (1768 - 1772)
- Leonard Dent to his mother, ED 353, (12 June 1903)
- Papers of and concerning Edward Henry Charles Herbert, 1837 - 1870, ED 354, (1845 - 1852)
- Obituary of Patrick Strong, 1931 - 2010, ED 355, (2010)
- Extracts from diary of Claude Willoughby, ED 356, (1877)
- Description and photograph of the statue of the Assumption, Lupton's Tower, ED 357, (1990s)
- Bills of Henry Bowlby, ED 358, (1891 - 1899)
- Papers relating to dinner in honour of John Piper, ED 359, (17 February 2010)
- Keate papers, ED 360, (1781 - 1879)
- Nugae Etonenses, ED 361, (compiled 1765 - 1766)
- Papers of Laurence Jones, ED 362, (c.1900 - 1913)
- Letters from Fortescue Wells to his father, ED 363, (1830 - 1834)
- Piano arrangement of Eton Boating Song, ED 364, ([1889 - 1924])
- Papers of Egerton Macdona, at Eton 1880-1886, ED 365, (c.1880 - 1893)
- Reminiscences of Francis Bacon, ED 366, ([early 20th century])
- Scrapbook of Charles Barclay, ED 367, (1881 - 1886)
- Papers of John Harmer, Bishop of Rochester, ED 368, (1874 - 1879)
- Scrapbook of Sir Francis Ford, ED 369, (1842 - 1848)
- Memorial to Alexander David Tweedie, ED 370, (22 May 2005)
- Windsor & Eton Amateur Madrigal Society programmes, ED 371, (1896 - 1899)
- Letters from James Chapman, ED 372, (1815 - 1820)
- Mellish family papers, ED 373, (1826 - 1878)
- Samuel Abney to his sister, ED 374, (31 January 1787)
- Bystander, The, with pictures of the Corps, ED 375, (23 February 1921)
- Letters to Frederick Halcomb, ED 376, (1890)
- Papers of Charles Gordon Clarke, ED 377, (1953 - 1954)
- Lord Offaly to his mother, ED 378, (25 September [1762])
- Characters of Dr. Lyttelton and Dr.and Mrs. Alington, ED 379, (nd)
- Order of service to commemorate the 140th anniversary of the martyrdom of Bishop Patteson, ED 380, (20 September 2011)
- Probate copy with administration of the will of Sir Thomas Wilson, ED 381, (19 May 1581)
- Papers of David Gordon, ED 382, (2011)
- Letters and papers of Edward Charles Henry Herbert, ED 383, (c.1847 - 1854)
- Memories of H. K. Marsden, ED 384, (1996 - 1997)
- Press cutting books, ED 385, (1965 - 1968)
- Reminiscences of Peter Bridgwood, ED 386, (2001)
- Papers of David Lee on the Choir School, ED 387, (1968 - 1991)
- Scrapbook, ED 388, (1928 - 1936)
- Oxford & Cambridge School Certificate Classical Papers annotated with portraits and caricatures, ED 389, (1931)
- Letter from Alexander Read to his mother, ED 390, (24 May 1820)
- Scrapbook of Julian Hall, ED 391, (c.1922 - 1933)
- Eton Rules : article by Henry Ashcroft, ED 392, (February 2012)
- Letters from H. E.Luxmoore to the Stone family, ED 393, (c.1897 - 1923)
- Article on Etonian actors, ED 394, (22 January 2012)
- Clothes list, ED 395, (July 1904)
- Calendar and timetable, ED 396, ([18th century])
- Papers of Philip Frederic Tinne, ED 397, (1888 - 1890)
- Warington Smyth ephemera, ED 398, (c. 1919 - 1920s)
- Papers of Norman Smart, at Eton 1940 - 1945, ED 399, (1940 - c.1950)
- Diaries of John Marriott, ED 400, (1933 - 1942)
- B-P Guild of Old Scouts membership card, ED 401, (1949)
- Monson papers, ED 402, (c.1859 - 1862)
- Letter from Provost James to Mr. Greenwood, ED 403, (9 September 1926)
- Papers of Bernard Babington Smith, ED 404, (1919 - 1930)
- Reminiscences of Ludovic Kennedy, ED 405, (14 January 1989)
- Papers of Ronald Bowlby, ED 406, (1944)
- Simon Reynolds donation, ED 407, (2013)
- Papers of Sir Eugen Millington Drake, ED 408, (1915 - 1979)
- Papers of Arthur Pelham Heneage, ED 409, (1895 - 1899)
- Papers relating to Graham Smith, ED 410, (1861 - 1868, 1966 - 1969)
- Papers of William Steuart, ED 411, (1873 - 1876)
- Papers of Robert Henry Hobart Cust, ED 412, (1874 - 1878)
- Newsboard : reports and photographs on internal and external sport, ED 413, (1976 - 1977)
- Autograph verses of Richard Porson, ED 414, ([18th century])
- Catalogue of Lebus family papers, ED 415, (1896 - 1946)
- Transcripts of letters from Lord Wellesley, ED 416, (November 1810)
- Reminiscences of N. Elliott Baxter, ED 417, (12 June 1911)
- Letters from Marquess Wellesley, ED 418, (1841)
- Reminiscences of David Poole, ED 419, (2002)
- Drawings of war damage, ED 420, (7 February 1948)
- Papers relating to Lionel George Archer Cust, ED 421, (1896 - 1962)
- GCSE Design Project by James Hall, ED 422, (1989)
- Menu for Etonian Dinner, ED 423, (10 November 1864)
- Fourth of June menu, Trieste, ED 424, (1945)
- Papers of Henry Michael Barker, ED 425, (1936 - 1943)
- Printed copy of the Amicabilis Concordia, 1 July 1444, ED 426, (19th century)
- A Mixed Grill, ED 427, (4th June 1930)
- Programme for the Silver Jubilee of King George V, ED 428, (15 June 1925)
- Menu for Fourth of June dinner held in Johannesburg, ED 429, (4 June 2008)
- Menu for Fourth of June dinner held in Jerusalem, ED 430, (4 June 1918)
- Menu for Fourth of June dinner held in Cairo, ED 431, (4 June 1906)
- Oral history of Eton in World War Two, ED 432, (2012)
- Scan of letters relating to Charles Townshend, 1740, ED 433, (2013)
- Illuminated presentation certificate to Dr Edmond Warre on his retirement as Head Master, ED 434, ([1905])
- Letter from Sir John Temple to Captain Flower, ED 435, (23 July 1695)
- Papers relating to Harry Goodhart, ED 436, ([1886])
- Recollections of Eton during the Second World War by Hilary Eccles-Williams, ED 437, (2 May 1995)
- Impressions formed from a Michaelmas Half in Eton, by David Smellie, ED 438, (2013)
- Presentation book given to Rev. F.G. Channon, ED 439, (1932)
- Papers of J.J.S.L. Hardy, ED 440, (1955 - 1960)
- Reminiscences of John Hissey, at Eton 1942 - 1947, ED 441, (March 2014)
- "Prospect: Surveyed by the younger generation" newsletter, ED 442, (April 1943)
- Papers of the Cory-Wright family, ED 443, (1939 - 1942)
- Theatre programmes, ED 444, (1970s)
- Menu for dinner commemorating the Old Etonian Football Club and Blackburn Rovers Football Club, ED 445, (15 May 1991)
- Papers of the Hawtrey family, ED 446, (1801 - 1925)
- Papers of the Pote family, booksellers of Eton, ED 447, (1701 - 1830)
- Reminiscences of A.C. James, K.S. 1851-1860, Assistant Master 1864-1899, ED 448, (19th century)
- Papers of Tom Miller, at Eton 1949-1954, ED 449, (1949 - 1954)
- Reminiscences of G. Swire, at Eton 1955-1960, ED 450, (2014)
- TV programme "My Life: The most Famous School in the World", ED 451, (August 2014)
- Programmes for school plays, ED 452, (1952 - 1953)
- Eton Pop Concert, December 1963, "The College Boys", ED 453, (September 2014)
- Papers of the Warre family, ED 454, (1618 - 1950)
- Order of service for rededication of St Mary of Eton, Hackney Wick, ED 455, (23 November 2014)
- Diary of Loraine Loraine Smith, at Eton 1797, ED 456, (1799 - 1801)
- Menus for Fourth of June Dinners, ED 457, (1917 - 1918)
- Volume of "tickets", ED 458, (1890s)
- Papers of David Colin Humphreys, at Eton 1938 - 1943, ED 459, (1930 - 1946)
- Paper on the Marsh family of Blackheath, ED 460, (2015)
- Bills for schooling, 1706, 1725, ED 461, ([1980s])
- Papers of Edmund Spencer Turton, at Eton 1902 - 1908, ED 462, (1902 - 2015)
- Diaries of Clive Feather, at Eton 1932-1935, ED 463, (1932 - 1935)
- The Bystander, with pictures of the Fourth of June, ED 464, (2 June 1909)
- Peter Lomax: Present Memory Recalled (at Eton, 1945-1950), ED 465, (September 2013)
- Copy of school list, July 1766, ED 466, (2016)
- Papers concerning Peter Warlock Society, ED 467, (2016)
- Printed list of books in use by the school, ED 468, (1869)
- Bill from Joseph Pote, ED 469, (1732)
- Ordnance survey map of Windsor, ED 470, (1928)
- Account book of George Davis, bookseller, ED 471, (1839 - 1844)
- Menu for Fourth of June dinner, ED 472, (4 June 1916)
- Bookplate for School Library, ED 473, (16 November 1899)
- Letter from Gordon Vereker on his first weeks at Eton, 1903, ED 474, (2014)
- Papers of the Keate family, ED 475, (1770 - 1861)
- Letters of Sir Richard Dundas Harington, at Eton 1913-1919, ED 476, (1915 - 1917)
- Exercise book of Francis Nevillle Reid, at Eton 1839-1841, ED 477, (1840s)
- Letters of the Keate family, ED 478, (1830s)
- Manuscript newspapers, ED 479, (1809 - 1810)
- Extracts from nature journal of Leander McCormick-Goodhart, at Eton 1898-1902, ED 480, (2017)
- Papers of William Goodhart, at Eton 1946-1951, ED 481, (1951 - 1952)
- Album of Nora Byron, Dame at Eton 1930s - 1960s, ED 482, (1928 - 1939)
- Papers of Brian Young, at Eton 1935-1941, ED 483, (1941 - 1964)
- Letter from Francis Caldwell Holland to his mother discussing the Phoenix Park murders, 1882, ED 484, (May 1882)
- Scrapbook of Colin Mark Patrick (at Eton 1906-1912), ED 485, (1906 - 1912)
- Diary and papers of Alfred James Fellows, ED 486, (1885 - 1890)
- Papers of Robert Hamilton Dundas, ED 487, (1894 - 1925)
- Postcard from Roger Edward Thompson to his mother, ED 488, (1916)
- Notebook formerly belonging to Provost Marten, ED 489, (post 1947)
- Transcripts of two letters from James Yorke Scarlett to his mother, ED 490, (June 1814)
- Material relating to Eton Pop Group: "The College Boys", ED 491, (1964)
- Papers of John George Stuart Donaldson, at Eton 1920-1926, ED 492, (1918 - 1928)
- Photocopies/Scans of items relating to Henry VI, ED 493, ([Late 20th century])
- Text of speech given at reunion of Ray Parry's (RHP) house, June 2005, ED 494, (2018)
- Diary of Alfred Hoare, at Eton 1862-1869, ED 495, (1859 - 1869)
- Article: "In Search of Athens" - the early history of Eton College Golf Club, ED 496, (2018)
- Book of subscribers' signatures for Edmond Warre leaving gift, ED 497, (1906)
- Papers of H.M. Wagner, tutor to the sons of the Duke of Wellington, ED 498, (1820s)
- Scrapbook for Old Etonian dinner in honour of Gladstone, ED 499, (22 April 1891)
- Fourth of June Menu, Alexandria, ED 500, (4 June 1915)
- Newspaper cuttings on cricket matches, ED 501, ([1874 - 1879])
- Letter from Stewart Erskine Rolland to his uncle, ED 502, (21 March 1831)
- Sketches of Dr Keate, ED 503, ([1834])
- Letter to Dr Samuel Butler, ED 504, (25 March 1822)
- Letters to Major Henry Knight Sadler (HEL, 1895) from H.E. Luxmoore, ED 505, (1916 - 1925)
- Letters concerning Royal Visit, ED 506, (14 June 1913)
- Ordination papers for John Chaloner Chute, ED 507, (1913 - 1941)
- Scrapbook on rowing, ED 508, (1925 - 1928)
- Programme and souvenir of Royal Visit, ED 509, ([1901 - 1910])
- School Certificate for Eric Martin-Smith, ED 510, (December 1926)
- Notes by Ernie Watkins, steward of Queen's Eyot, of his time at Eton, ED 511, (1997)
- Correspondence of John Plumptre, father of Septimius Plumptre, at Eton 1728-1737, ED 512, (1731 - 1748)
- Notebook on Eton subjects by J. Hole, ED 513, (1 May 1908)
- Letter from Henry Hope to T. Barber, ED 514, (2 May 1823)
- Diaries of Marshall McDonald Gillies, at Eton 1913-1919, ED 515, (1919 - 1923)
- Diary of Charles FitzHerbert Bill, at Eton 1886-1891, ED 516, (1890)
- Geography work by Prince Arthur [of Connaught], at Eton 1896-1900, ED 517, ([1890s])
- An Account of Eton Discipline, 1766, ED 518, (18th century)
- Letter on fire at Baldwin's Bec, ED 519, (1 June 1903)
- Papers of Jasper Ungoed-Thomas, ED 520, (1950 - 1960)
- Verses by T.F. Cattley, ED 521, (1940 - 1945)
- Memoirs of Oswald Augustus Smith, at Eton 1840, ED 522, ([1990s])
- Examination paper for the Luddington Land Prize, ED 523, (1949)
- Papers of Christopher Phillips, ED 524, (1966)
- Lewis Bostock Radford notes on Eton College History, ED 525, (1936 - 1938)
- Letters from Richard Heaviside, ED 526, (1842 - 1843)
- Letter from Elinor Birley, ED 527, (1952)
- Letter from Ernest Marples, ED 528, (1970)
- Bills of Antony Macnaghten, ED 529, (1915 - 1917)
- Autograph book of Eton crews, ED 530, (1907 - 1912)
- Montem Letters, ED 531, (1820-1846)
- Fourth of June dinner, Simla, ED 532, (5 June 1899)
- The Eton Flood, ED 533, ([1809])
- Letters from John Barton, at Eton 1942 - 1947, ED 534, (1942 -1945)
- Material for ephemeral "Panache", ED 535, (1980 - 1981)
- J.B.A. Parish: Letter on Queen Victoria's funeral, ED 536, (February 1901)
- Questionnaires on boys' interests, ED 537, (1967)
- Programme for Manhunt, an Eton College Film Unit film, ED 538, (1958)
- Papers of Nora Byron, Dame at Eton 1930s - 1960s, ED 539, (1960s)
- Eton College Ration Book, ED 540, (7 July 1941)
- Scrapbook compiled by James Charles Cecil, at Eton 1929 - 1933, ED 541, (1925 - 1940)
- Papers of Michael and Julian Pitt-Rivers, at Eton 1930-1934, 1932-1935, ED 542, (1930 - 1935)
- Papers of Christopher Horne, at Eton 1958-1963, ED 543, (1958 - 1992)
- Life as an Under-Cook in a boys' house, 1936-1970, ED 544, ([1988])
- Letter describing Old Etonian dinner held at Simla, India, ED 545, (11 June 1903)
- Letters to George Augustus Selwyn, private tutor, ED 546, (1839 - 1844)
- Reminiscences of Edward Lyttelton, at Eton 1868 - 1875, ED 547, (c.1875)
- Day book of Joseph Pote, ED 548, (1771 - 1774)
- Correspondence of Dr Charles Brown, ED 549, (1789 - 1812)
- Letters of Purnell Bransby Purnell, at Eton 1806, ED 550, (1806 - 1807)
- Papers of Leopold Thys, at Eton 1914-18, ED 551, (1914 - 1918)
- Papers of John Duckett, Chorister 1946-1951, at Eton 1951-56, ED 552, (1898 - 1968)
- Signed programme for house play, She Stoops to Conquer, ED 553, (March 1983)
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