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ECR 36 125

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ECR 36 125


Penn, Buckinghamshire: Letter concerning land





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Robert Frenche, Glastonbury, St Lucy's Day (?1523) to [ ].

"Honorabyl and my syngler good master in my most lovyng maner I hartely recommende me unto your masterschupe. Sir I beseke you to be good master to me now or ells I ha loste for ever in thys worlde. Sir master Wensor hath made sore a gyne me all my lords consell and all my wyffes Kyn intendythe to make as I persayve be master Wadam the wytche ys the next of her Kyn and wyll bryng me howte of my lords faver. Master Wensor hathe schowyd master Selerar of Galstonbury playnly now at hys beyng at London before sir Amys Powlet that ye have bought my lande but I denye yt and saye yt ys not trewthe and that yf that you had not ben I most nedes have solld yt that yt was never your myde to by yt of me but helpyd me and sokyrd I scholld not sell ys with you and ys your godson but thaye intende that I scholde make my wyffe a state duryng her lyffe the sytche I was bownde so to doo by fore I was maryd to my wyffes brother whan I knew full lytyll of thys lands of hony other. Now how to a voyed thys I canot tell exsepte you be so good and charytabyl to me as to take your mony a gayne and to let me have the lande to me and to myne hayres and yet ye schall have yt at your comandment and all that growythe a pon the grownd and that wyll I be bownde and all thoo that schall com after me for ever more in what bonde ye wyll have me in. Yt was sore a gayne my wyll to sell yt. I had lever a gon to cheruselem a pon your harnde but all that I have in thys worlld ys yours and schall be wyll I leve for yf you had not ben I scholld never have had land yere. Doo with mee as ye wyll I ham yours body and goods but havyng your love and faver I shall be abyll to kype yt as well as hony that ever I hade off my kyn. I can haske no more but of your charyte yf yt be onsse brovyd and my lorde may know that I have solld yt I schall never doo hym serves. No more to your masterchup at thys tyme but the holy goste preserve you ever.
Wreten in Glastonbury on synt Lucys day laste.
By your faythfull servant and trew bedman for ever
Robert Frenche

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